IMU 1 MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Attitude relative to gravity vector Magnetic heading Rotational velocity Translational acceleration
IMU 2 Absolute rotational attitude of object Direct measurement of angular velocity Direct measurement of translational acceleration Positives
IMU 3 Does not provide – absolute location translational velocity rotational acceleration Data communication Medium resolution < 150 Hz Negatives
IMU 4 Vehicle navigation Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) Nuclear submarines Cruise missiles MEMS Automotive Consumer products History of IMUs
IMU 5 Automotive Accelerometers to deploy airbags Vehicle roll handling MEMS IMUs - Automotive
IMU 6 Games (WiiMote) PDA (iPhone) Camera stabilization Hard disks MEMS IMUs – Consumer Products
IMU 7 MEMS Fabrication
IMU 8 acceleration gravity MEMS accelerometer (proof mass)
IMU 9 MEMS Comb Sensor/Drive
IMU 10 MEMS Differential Capacitance
IMU 11 MEMS Differential Capacitance
IMU 12 MEMS accelerometer
IMU 13 MEMS gyro (torsion)
IMU 14 MEMS gyro (planar)
IMU 15 MEMS magnetometer (magnetoresistive)
IMU 16 Signal Analog voltage (0 to 3V) Fixed frequency, variable duty cycle Digital (internal A/D converter) Nominal Bandwidth 550 Hz for accelerometer 150 Hz for gyro 50 Hz for magnetometer MEMS IMU Outputs
IMU 17 Biaxial accelerometer Uniaxial gyro Two-Dimensional (2D) IMU
IMU 18 Triaxial accelerometer Triaxial gyro Triaxial magnetometer Required to determine spin about gravity vector Three-Dimensional (3D) IMU axax ayay azaz
IMU 19 Triaxial accelerometer ±3g, 300 mV/g, 550 Hz Triaxial gyro ±300 deg/sec (dps), 3.3mV/dps, 140 Hz Triaxial magnetometer 50 Hz On-board CPU, serial I/O 9DOF Board – Sparkfun
MEMS IMU 20 Triaxial accelerometer ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g Triaxial gyro ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000dps Triaxial compass On-board motion fusion, I 2 C serial 9DOF Chip – Invensense MPU-9150