Branded??? Non-branded???
Factor that influence….
Advantages and disadvantages
Most preferred clothes OR
What factor that influence the choices??? What the advantages and disadvantages toward users??? What are the type of clothes???
Used questionnaire
Distribute to 50 University Malaysia Pahang students
Have 14 questions 4 parts
Data recorded by using Microsoft Excel Data were analyzed and been present in pie chart Coding book
Findings and discussion
How we do this chapter??
Choose 4 out of 14 question that relate to our objectives
Interpret the results by using pie chart Use pie chart because it is the easiest way to show the information clearly
Findings of research
Factors that influence student to buy the items
There are 6 factors: Personal taste Trend Friends Family Media Other factors
MOST PREFFERED GOODS AMONG STUDENTS OR Non- branded clothes Branded clothes
Problem faced during processing the research 1.Conduct the questionnaire 2.Respondents do not give the good cooperation when answering the question 3.Finding the literature review
We make the summary that: a)Students buy the clothes according to their personal taste b)Students agree that their clothes can shows their personality c)Students like to buy the branded clothes are slightly more than students who buy the non – branded clothes.
Our research is consider success because almost all of the objectives can be answer by our questionnaire.