Where are we now? By Steven Rumfelt
All nation’s other than the U.S. have withdrawn troops 47,000 U.S. troops occupy Iraq, as of November 2010
As of February 2010, around $704 billion has been spent $2 billion per week to $12 billion a month Long term health care costs for Iraq War veterans is estimated to cost between $350 billion to $700 billion
Consist of: Ba’ath Party, Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda, Mahdi Army, Islamic Army of Iraq, Ansar al-Sunnah Sunni insurgents consist of 70,000 people Mahdi Army consists of 60,000 people al – Qaeda consists of 1,300 people Islamic State of Army consists of 1,000 people 25,278 enemies killed between
YouTube - Iraq election hailed as 'great success' - 1 Feb 09 YouTube - Iraq election hailed as 'great success' - 1 Feb 09 Jalal Talabani won the presidential elections in Iraq in 2005, he took office in April of 2005 Mouri al-Maliki is the current prime minister of Iraq, he took office in May of 2006
27,566 civilians were killed in the first 2 years of war 11,351 civilians were killed in the second year of war and 6,215 were killed in the first year of war 4,038 civilians killed by violence in 2010 A total of 100,015 – 109,276 civilian deaths from violence
In military members were killed 848 U.S. military members were killed in 2004 In 2005 there were 844 U.S. military members killed in war
A total of 4,756 U.S. servicemen and women have died in Iraq The worst year coming in 2007 when over 900 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq In 2010 only 60 American Soldiers were killed in Iraq and as of now in soldiers have been killed html html