Favorite Places Tommy mai
Disney land Disneyland opened July 17, 1955, with 18 major attractions. Today, there are more than 60 adventures and attractions When Disneyland opened, Anaheim, Calif., had five hotels and two motels with a total of 87 rooms, and there were 34 restaurants in the city. Today, Anaheim boasts approximately 150 hotels and motels with more than 18,000 rooms, and well over 450 restaurants
Florida Orlando attracts more visitors than any other amusement park destination in the United States Crystal River is the only place in North America where it is legal to have a supervised swim with gentle manatees The world's deepest freshwater spring is Wakulla Springs near Tallahassee
California California's Mount Whitney measures as the highest peak in the lower 48 states. Its most famous climb is Mount Whitney Trail to the 14,495 feet summit. Wilderness permits are required. 4.Pacific Park, on the venerable Santa Monica Pier, re-creates the amusement parks once dotting the ocean areas along the Pacific Coast. Featured are 11 amusement rides including the 1910-vintage hand-carved merry-go-round appearing in the movie "The Sting."
Toronto,Canada The border between Canada and the United States is officially known as the International Boundary. At 5,525 miles, including 1,538 miles between Canada and Alaska, it is the world's longest border between two nations. The Canadian motto, A Mari Usque ad Mare, means "From sea to sea.“ 6.At 3,855,103 square miles, Canada is the second largest country in the world, behind Russia.
Mexico city,Mexico The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) Mexico introduced chocolate, corn, and chilies to the world Mexico is home to a very rare rabbit called the volcano rabbit which lives near Mexican volcanoes The first printing press in North America was used in Mexico City in 1539.
Tokyo, Japan Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan Sometimes the trains are so crowded railway staff are employed to cram passengers inside For many Japanese couples Christmas is celebrated like Valentine's Day in the western world Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano
Paris, France Paris, the capital of France, is situated in the North Central part of the country This city of lights has a population of about 2,176,243 but the Paris aire urbaine or metropolitan city is reported to have a population of 10,354,675 as of 2008 (last census) which makes it the most populated metropolitan city in Europe
Berlin, Germany Berlin is Germany’s capital and largest city, with a population of about 3.5 million Berlin was originally capital of Prussia, which expanded to become Germany in the 1800s. After the War Berlin was left inside the new communist East Germany and split into East and West by a high wall
Moscow, Russia Moscow is located at N and E of the Greenwich meridian in the middle of the East European Plain. The area lies at a height of meters above the Moskva river and about 150 meters above sea level. Moscow occupies more than 1,000 square kilometers. The boundary of the city corresponds to the Moscow Ring Road, which is situated at kilometers from the city center. The city extends for 42 kilometers from the North to the South and for 35 kilometers from the East to the West.
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Under the name Saigon, it was the capital of the French colony of Cochin-china and later of the independent republic of South Vietnam from 1955–75 South Vietnam, as an anti-communist republic, fought against the communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong during the Vietnam War, with aid from the United States and countries including Australia, New Zealand and South Korea
Sydney, Australia Sydney is the biggest and most populous city in Australia. With 4.5 million people being accounted for in the 2009 census, Sydney holds just under 20% of the total population of Australia.[ It is the most populated city in the Oceania region, and the 73rd most populous city worldwide.
Great Britain, Europe Britain is only 35 km from France and is now linked by a tunnel under the English Channel The south of Britain is mostly low-lying land, with hills and agricultural land; the north of England, Wales and Scotland are mostly covered in moorland and mountains Great Britain is an island located in the northwest of continental Europe and east of Ireland
Brazil Brazil has the 10th highest number of vehicle owners in the world The world’s best and most delicious coffee is produced in Brazil. Brazil has the biggest rain forest of the world, the Amazon forest Brazil has the 2nd highest Christian population in the world.
Chile Chile borders three different countries; Argentina to the east, Bolivia to the northeast and Peru to the north Chile has an unusual ribbon shape. It is 4300 km long and just 175 km wide (on average) Chile had to endure a 17 year military dictatorship between that left more than 3000 people either dead or missing
India India is about 1/3 the size of the United States, yet it is the second most populous country in the world, with a population of 1,166,079,217. India is the seventh largest country in the world, at 1.27 million square miles. The Kumbh Mela (or Grand Pitcher Festival) is a huge Hindu religious festival that takes place in India every 12 years. In 2001, 60 million people attended, breaking the record for the world’s biggest gathering. The mass of people was photographed from space by a satellite.