What is an essay Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
What is an essay ? It is a piece of writing that consists of more than 2 paragraphs. Which are: Introduction Body Conclusion Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Introduction An introduction is the first body in the essay An introduction should prepare your reader to your topic. It should be interesting to drag the readers’ attention. It should have the main “thesis statement” Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Types of Introductions 1- The funnel > Begin with a general subject that can be narrowed down into the specific topic. Students face all kinds of problems when they start college. Some students struggle with a lack of basic math skills; others have never learned how to write a term paper. Students who were stars in high school have to cope with being just another number in the student population. Students with children have to find a way to be good parents and good students, too. Although all of these problems are common, I found an even more typical conflict. My biggest problem in college was learning to organize my time. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Types of Introductions 2- Quotation > Begin with a quotation (not necessarily from a famous person) that leads into your topic. Everybody has heard the old saying, “Time flies,” but I never really thought about that statement until I started college. I expected college to challenge me with demanding course work. I expected it to surprise me with the wide range of people I would meet. I expected it to excite me with the fun and intrigue of dating and romance. But I never expected college to exhaust me. I was surprised to discover that my biggest problem in college was learning to organize my time. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Types of Introductions 3- Dramatic> Begin with a story. My friend Phyllis is two years older than I am, so she started college before I did. When Phyllis came home from college for the Thanksgiving holidays, I had a long list of activities planned for her to enjoy. I was surprised when Phyllis wanted to sleep late every day. I did not understand when she told me she was worn out. However, when I started college myself, I understood her perfectly. Phyllis was a victim of an old college ailment: not knowing how to handle time. When I started to college, I developed the same problem; I had to learn how to organize my time. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Types of Introductions 4- Turnabout > opposite of the writer’s own thesis. We live in an era where television is the national pastime. Since the invention of the television set, people have been spending more of their free time watching television than doing anything else. Many of the television addicts feel that this particular pastime is not a bad one; indeed, they argue that people can learn a great deal watching television. I am sure that if you look long and hard enough, you can probably find some programs that are educationally motivating. But, for the most part, I say that watching television is a waste of time. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Introduction Thesis statement A thesis statement is the heart of the essay. Without a thesis the essay is dead or pointless. A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It briefly tells what the paragraph is going to discuss. It is a general but not too general statement Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Examples of good thesis Subject: The Best Place for the Perfect Family Vacation Focused Topic: Hawaii Three Major Points: Many activities, pleasant location, economical hotels Thesis Statement: The best place for the perfect family is Hawaii because of the fun activities, the beautiful scenery in a pleasant location, and the economical hotels available. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Examples of good thesis Subject: A Memorable Day Focused Topic: My first day at university Three Major Points: pleasant surroundings, registering for classes, nice people Thesis Statement: One moment I'll never forget was the time I spend in the university facing pleasant surroundings, registering for classes, and meeting nice people. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Body An essay should at least consists of at least two developmental paragraphs. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel
Conclusion The last paragraph in an essay It should not include new information not mentioned in paragraphs before. Start it with words like ( in conclusion, finally …etc). In conclusion, our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports of all kinds. We should continue to try to prevent accidents and injuries. However, we should also ensure that sports are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun. Ms.Hatoon Aljulayel