Twelve Step Program to Meeting Quality Matters Standard One Dr. Susan Bussmann Dr. Sharon Lalla Sandra Johnson, MS, MA New Mexico State University
Step One (1.1) Welcome Send a welcome to students that contains the following- WELCOME to your course WHERE to find your course HOW to access the course WHAT to click first to get started
Step Two (1.1) What do I do first? Students have accessed their course. What do they do now? Provide specific steps on what you want them to do to get started.
Step Three (1.2) The Foundation-Your Syllabus States the purpose of the course Explains how the content is structured and carried out Contains a course schedule Explains delivery modalities (online or blended) Discusses modes of communication Describes types of learning activities States how learning will be assessed
Step Four (1.2) Course Outline/Pacing Guide A course outline or pacing guide provides an overview of your course and should include – Times Places Scheduled Events Assignments Assessments Due Dates
Step Five (1.3) Netiquette An etiquette or "Netiquette" statement provides- o Expectations for communication o Examples of netiquette considerations: o Expectations for the tone and civility used in communication o Expectations for content o “Speaking style” requirements (abbreviations, emoticons, etc) o Spelling and grammar expectations o Discussion board participation
Step Six (1.4) Student Resources o Academic support o Library o Writing assistance o Math assistance o Any specific student resource required or suggested for your course o Tech assistance
Step Seven (1.5) Prerequisites Needed o Information about prerequisite knowledge (i.e., passed BIO 100) o Any required competencies (i.e., Native Spanish speaker, ACT score of 20 or above, BA in English) o Information should be found within the course in documents linked to the course o Supporting material provided to the student
Step Eight (1.6) Tech Skills Needed o General as well as course-specific technical skills o Examples of technical skills might include o Using the learning management system o Using with attachments o Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats o Copying and pasting o Downloading and installing software o Using spreadsheet programs
Step Nine (1.7) Instructor Information o Initial introduction should- o Include the instructor’s name, title, field of expertise, address, phone number, and times when the instructor is typically online or may be reached by phone. o Create a sense of connection between the instructor and the students o Present the instructor as a professional o Include comments on teaching philosophy o May include personal information such as hobbies, family, travel experiences, etc. o May include a photograph
Step Ten (1.8) Student I ntroductions Student introductions help to - o Create a welcoming learning environment o Establish community o Open lines of communication between students and the instructor Instructions for the introduction should include- o Guidance on where and how students should share their introduction o May ask students to respond to specific questions. o May provide an example of an introduction and/or start the process by introducing her/himself
Step Eleven (1.1) Social Café and Tech Help Area Social Cafe- Provides students an inviting, safe place to question, discuss, document, share thoughts, and experiences for your course. Tech Help - Provide directions or links for help with technical issues. Strive to create a learning environment where students can focus on learning and not be troubled with technical problems.
Step Twelve (1.1) What do I do next? Provide specific directions on what you want your students to do next. For example- o Click on Module 1 and begin your lessons. o Navigate to Unit 0 and begin!
Websites for Help with Best Practice o Online Course Improvement Program-NMSU Online Course Improvement Program-NMSU o Las Positas College Las Positas College o Teaching Online-University of South Florida Teaching Online-University of South Florida o Online Course Improvement Program Resource Wiki Online Course Improvement Program Resource Wiki