Where have all the fishes gone? 11 years after it was established, the KMM – KAGANA Marine Protected Area has very good coral cover, abundant coral recruits, but there is no spill over effect of fishes that is supposed to happen. Where have all the fishes gone?
Area: NTZ = 43.33 has + buffer zone = 88.73 has = 132.06 has Home to 42 species of reef fishes, 36 genera of corals, 14 species of mangroves and 8 species of seagrasses – (DOST – PCMARD PacSea 4) LGU Lianga – Rare, Inc. Pride Campaign for Sustainable Fishing Campaign site: KMM – KAGANA Marine Protected Area Barangay Ganayon, Lianga, Surigao del Sur, Philippines Area: NTZ = 43.33 has + buffer zone = 88.73 has = 132.06 has Habitats: Coral, Seagrasses and Mangroves The MPA is one of the MPAs of Lianga Bay and an integral part of the ICRM efforts that address the urgent issues in marine protection and conservation.
Human and Biological Threats have driven away fishes from the MPA. Where have all the fishes gone? Human and Biological Threats have driven away fishes from the MPA. Overfishing Illegal fishing using dynamite, fine-meshed nets and compressor MPA intrusion Habitat destruction Coral bleaching due climate change Presence of crown of thorns
THEORY OF CHANGE THEORY OF CHANGE LGU Lianga THEORY OF CHANGE K + A + IC + BR = BC = TR CR Improve knowledge Shift Attitudes Spark Conversation Remove Barriers Change Behaviours Reduce Threats Advance Conservation Liangenos increase their awareness and understand the role of MPAs in increased fish biomass and habitat improvement; that they also realize the importance of accomplishing their agreements made as members of the sectors involved in MPA management. Community residents are able to demonstrate among themselves the impacts derived from collaborative efforts in MPA management, that everyone involved in conservation and protection is eventually benefited economically and socially. Sectors are encouraged to deliberate issues and concerns regarding MPA management; review roles and functions based on agreements made, persuade early adopters to share success stories/best practices for emulation so that the rest of the stakeholders start modifying behavior. MPA managers avail of technical expertise and technical support from identified development partners to create and enforce agreements, making certain funding mechanisms are established to implement sustainability plans. Strong sense of ownership of well-managed MPAs has become a source of pride for the community. Mainstreaming of MPAs in coastal resource management among fishermen, other stakeholders specially municipal officials is achieved. Results in monitoring and evaluation show remarkable reduction in MPA intrusion and incidences of illegal fishing. MPAs as CRM intervention saves corals, fishes and mangroves from endangerment to extinction ultimately increasing fish biomass and species recruitment. LGU Lianga THEORY OF CHANGE K + A + IC + BR = BC = TR CR Improve knowledge Shift Attitudes Spark Conversation Remove Barriers Change Behaviours Reduce Threats Advance Conservation Liangenos increase their awareness and understand the role of MPAs in increased fish biomass and habitat improvement; that they also realize the importance of accomplishing their agreements made as members of the sectors involved in MPA management. Community residents are able to demonstrate among themselves the impacts derived from collaborative efforts in MPA management, that everyone involved in conservation and protection is eventually benefited economically and socially. Sectors are encouraged to deliberate issues and concerns regarding MPA management; review roles and functions based on agreements made, persuade early adopters to share success stories/best practices for emulation so that the rest of the stakeholders start modifying behavior. MPA managers avail of technical expertise and technical support from identified development partners to create and enforce agreements, making certain funding mechanisms are established to implement sustainability plans. Strong sense of ownership of well-managed MPAs has become a source of pride for the community. Mainstreaming of MPAs in coastal resource management among fishermen, other stakeholders specially municipal officials is achieved. Results in monitoring and evaluation show remarkable reduction in MPA intrusion and incidences of illegal fishing. MPAs as CRM intervention saves corals, fishes and mangroves from endangerment to extinction ultimately increasing fish biomass and species recruitment.
The Target Audience for Pride Campaign high level of community participation already aware of environmental protection has strong sense of ownership of the MPA
LGU Lianga PRIDE Campaign Team LGU Officials KMM KAGANA MPA and TWG Management Council
will come back to live in the A fully capacitated PO - fishermen, conscientious stakeholders, supportive LGU and partner agencies, active law enforcers will result to a well- managed MPA. Eventually…. Fishes will come back to live in the MPA! .
A call to campaign for Sustainable Fishing in Lianga! From: Liaflora O. Orcullo Conservation Fellow Cohort 2, Philippines
Own definition of Theory of Change A theory of change is a framework containing concepts that carries the plan of activities in a given time with given targets to address issues/ concerns or threats in the community, the utmost objective is to create change in behaviour so that a new norm of behaviour that is desired to achieve the target is formed.