GEF-IWCAM AND IABIN INDICATORS MECHANISM WORKSHOP March 2008 Ocho Rios, Jamaica TNC’s Marine Protected Area Work in the Caribbean
Caribbean Decision-Support System 3 years ( ) $2.2 million 24 Terrestrial / 9 Marine ecoregions Realm Integration: Terrestrial, Freshwater, Marine Scope: 28 countries/12 TNC Operating Units PRODUCTS Seamless database of conservation habitats, protected areas, and human activities Methods and tools for assessing goals, threats, gaps, and sustainability Identification of most persistent and viable areas of biodiversity (portfolio) Partnerships at regional and local levels
Caribbean Decision-Support System Bathymetry Climate Freshwater features Geology Imagery Infrastructure Land cover Marine Features Models Political Protected Areas Socioeconomic Soils Targets (Terrestrial, Freshwater, Marine) Terrestrial Features Topography Topo Maps Geodatabases (with FGDC metadata) Caribbean Region Lesser Antilles Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Bahamas Jamaica St. Vincent & the Grenadines Grenada Haiti
Risk ElementsMeasured by Urbanization Impervious surfaces and population density Agriculture % of coverage/cultivation practices Roads Type, density, length Industrial areas Type and density Tourism Intensity Landfills/Dumps Type and Volume Anchorage/Ports Type and intensity Fishing Practices Type and intensity Dams Dam type: flood control, water supply, hydropower CDSS Tools: Environmental Risk Surface (ERS) Module
Caribbean Marine Action Sites Bahamas Jamaica Lesser Antilles: BVI, USVI, Grenada and SVG Dominican Republic
TNC Marine Work: Bahamas TNC Northern Caribbean Programme has been working with partners to accomplish the following: Expand the current west side of Andros Island marine protected area (MPA). Establish a network of no-take marine reserves in Abaco, South Eleuthera, Exuma, Bimini and the Berry Islands.
West side of Andros MPA Activities completed include: Conservation Area Assessment, Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) and, Stakeholder’s Assessment NB: Outlined in green are the proposed areas to be included in the west side protected area system
Establishment of Marine Reserves Activities currently being done include: Conducting surveys to determine the health status of the proposed marine reserve areas Conducting stakeholder consultations and, Defining the boundaries for each marine reserve area. NB: The 5 marine reserves are highlighted in dark blue
TNC Marine Work: Jamaica Marine ERA and national gap analysis identifying major gaps for marine biodiversity conservation Demonstration site– Pedro Bank, Jamaica’s largest fishing ground and important offshore area for marine biodiversity
Project activities completed and underway…. 1.Field research and monitoring (biodiversity, fisheries) for Management Plan. 2.Partnership development and active engagement of Pedro Bank fishing community and other key stakeholders 3.Public awareness and outreach – project website and newsletter 4. Construction of a base-of-operations and research station on-site to support field research and conservation management
Designing for the Future Ambitious Goals – The BVI Approach to Networks The British Virgin Islands
30% Goal To protect 30% of 6 important nearshore biological habitats in no take areas across the BVI.
USVI Mapping out occurrences of Acropora Palmata Supporting the Management of the East End Marine Park in St. Croix
TNC Marine Work: Dominican Republic
Science Information and Tools Result 9: The Caribbean Decision Support System (CDSS) is widely used within the Southeastern Caribbean and the data are current and accurate. Result 10: At least 6 Countries have completed national level habitat assessment for country priority habitats. Result 11: Establish a framework and research network for national level monitoring protocols and standards throughout the region. Result 12: Continued support of research and monitoring of trans-boundary issues including migratory species and connectivity. Result 13: Research and pilot programs into alternative livelihoods for fishers.
Biodiversity Status Threats Status Mngmt Status Mitigate Threats Implement Mngmt Plan Improve Biodiversity Mitigate Threats Improve Biodiversity Implement Mngmt Plan Improve Biodiversity Mitigate Threats Implement Mngmt Plan Assessing Effective Conservation in MPAs
Future Work and Collaboration Points On-going verification of coarse-filter habitat maps and collection of fine-filter species data Improve threat models based on scientific review (fishing models, tourism footprint, climate change, etc) Expansion of regional delivery and stewardship of CDSS data and tools (database needs updating, fill gaps, revisions) Build staff and partner capacity through training and dissemination of knowledge Questions?