Native Peoples of South Carolina The First South Carolinians
Tribes In South Carolina Up Country: Keowees, Cherokees, Catawbas, Saludas Midlands: Congarees, Savannahs, Waterees, Waxhaws, Cherawa, Peedees, Santees, Westoes Low Country: Waccamaws, Seewees, Wandos, Etiwans, Kiawahs, Eidstos, Combahees, Yamasees, Wimbees
Location of Tribes in South Carolina Map by SCIway
Homes Up Country: Rectangular with logs and branches covered with clay Low Country: Circular with bent poles covered with bark or moss
Government Council Representatives Vote Chief Clans
Description Tall and healthy Reddish brown skin Long black hair Flattened heads – cradle board Clothing: hides, skins, Spanish moss, cloth
Food Hunt: Small and large game (animals) Fish Grew: Maize, beans, peas, squash Gather: Fruits, nuts
Culture Fun: Games, contest Music: drums, rattles Pottery: Cooking, containers Basketry: Containers
Cherokee Alphabet
Artifacts Things left by the First South Carolinians Items found include arrowheads, spearheads, pottery Artifacts have been found all over the state Museums have artifacts on display
Legends/Place Names Issaqueena Falls named for Indian girl who fell over the falls Table Rock said to be where a great Indian chief ate
Credits All photos are from the Library of Congress and American Memory Collection unless otherwise noted. Information from At Home In South Carolina.