Jonathan Project 1 Samuel 14:6
1. Israel at war with the Philistines Saul, newly appointed king. Saul, newly appointed king. No weapons to defend themselves. No weapons to defend themselves. Got raided all the time. Got raided all the time. Non strategic position Non strategic position WERE AT A HUGE DISADVANTAGE! WERE AT A HUGE DISADVANTAGE!
2. What was Saul doing? 14:2-3a Under a pomegranate tree! Under a pomegranate tree! Saul represented the political leadership. Saul represented the political leadership. Armed forces represented the military leadership. Armed forces represented the military leadership. Ahijah represented the religious leadership. Ahijah represented the religious leadership. The designated leadership was totally out of position to what God wanted to do! The designated leadership was totally out of position to what God wanted to do!
Saul looked at the situation and retreated. Essentially taking himself out of God’s orbit and what He was intending to do! Saul looked at the situation and retreated. Essentially taking himself out of God’s orbit and what He was intending to do!
3. Jonathan’s Faith! 14:6-14 Jonathan and his armor bearer looked at exactly the same situation, but responded completely differently. Why? Jonathan and his armor bearer looked at exactly the same situation, but responded completely differently. Why? Jonathan saw that the situation was inconsistent with the character of God and the plan of God for his people Israel! Jonathan saw that the situation was inconsistent with the character of God and the plan of God for his people Israel!
“Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, “come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows; perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”
4. Faith produces ACTION! 14:9- 14 The strategy was not to ask God to reverse the situation! The strategy was not to ask God to reverse the situation! God maintaining a position of weakness on the part of man, was God’s indication to move forward! God maintaining a position of weakness on the part of man, was God’s indication to move forward! God honors faith in Him! - Mk.11:22 God honors faith in Him! - Mk.11:22
Saul’s Religiosity prevented him from joining in God’s work! V.18 – Saul called upon Ahijah to perform a religious act to discern the will of God. V.18 – Saul called upon Ahijah to perform a religious act to discern the will of God. God was already on the move and Saul was left behind. Blessing lost! God was already on the move and Saul was left behind. Blessing lost!
5. Result of Jonathan’s Faith It Sparked a Movement!!
Four fold MOVEMENT v.15 – In the unbeliever’s camp! Philistines destroyed! v.15 – In the unbeliever’s camp! Philistines destroyed! v. 20 – In the leadership. Saul joins in what God is doing e.g. the battle. v. 20 – In the leadership. Saul joins in what God is doing e.g. the battle. v. 21 – Among the disgruntled e.g. Hebrew mercenaries. v. 21 – Among the disgruntled e.g. Hebrew mercenaries. v. 22 – Among the people of God! Global CHURCH! v. 22 – Among the people of God! Global CHURCH!
What Sparked the Movement? Faith?No!!! FAITH IN GOD! 14:23
How many in the Church are Jonathan types? As a percentage of the Church, maybe 2-3%! As a percentage of the Church, maybe 2-3%! In raw numbers, THOUSANDS! In raw numbers, THOUSANDS! We’re looking to God to send just a thousand our way! We’re looking to God to send just a thousand our way!
Colossians 3:1 (Message) “So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle around, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you! Look up and be alert to what is going on around Christ, that is where the action is. See things from His perspective!”