Genesis 28:10-30:43 Lesson 16
Isaac Isaac married Rebekah Isaac is 40 years old Rebekah becomes pregnant Isaac is now 60 years old Twin boys Esau Jacob Abraham is now 160 years old review
Birthright Esau called Edom (red)—father of Edomites Esau tired and weary Jacob cooking stew Esau foolishly sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew “Thus Esau despised his birthright” review
Repeat Of Promises I will be with you and bless you To you and your descendants I give all these lands I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heavenIn your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed “because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” review
Isaac Is Old Isaac is old and nearly blind He sends Esau to hunt for game Make him food and receive his blessing before he dies Rebekah hears the plan review
Deceit Rebekah plots with Jacob to deceive his father Jacob lies to his father and receives the blessing Esau returns to find what has happened He asks Isaac for a blessing, also There is none Esau weeps review
Esau’s Future Isaac tells Esau that he will dwell ‘away from’ the fatness of the earth and the dew of heaven He would live by the sword and serve his brother Later he would break the yoke from his neck Herod, the Edomite, in the NT ruled the Jews review
Esau vs Jacob Esau hates Jacob and threatens to kill him (remember this) Rebekah learns of Esau’s plans and tells Jacob to go away—back to her brother Laban in Haran—for a ‘few days’ She tells Isaac that Jacob should not take a wife from the people of the land review
Wives Isaac tells Jacob that he should not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan Go to Padan Aram to take a wife from the daughters of Laban Jacob and Esau are 77 at this time review
Wives Esau knew that Isaac did not want Jacob to marry the Canaanite daughters He took as a wife Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael review
Summary Favoritism Lies Deceit Trickery Hate Spouse selection Rebellion toward parents Promises of God review
Jacob flees Going from Beersheba to Haran Stopped at Luz/Bethel
Jacob flees Going from Beersheba to Haran Stopped at Luz/Bethel Dreamed of a ladder reaching into heaven God appeared Repeated land, nation, and seed promises to Jacob Behold I am with you wherever you go
Jacob flees Awoke from his sleep awesome How awesome is this place Vowed that the L ORD would be his God Vowed to give God a tenth of all God would give to him Goes on to the East
Meets family Arrives at a well in Padan Aram Rachel comes to water her sheep Daughter of Laban; mother’s brother She goes to tell Laban He gives Jacob a very warm welcome Jacob stays a month Start discussing wages
Daughters Leah is older and ‘delicate’ Rachel, the younger, is beautiful Jacob offers to work seven years for Rachel Time seemed as only a few days Laban prepares a feast
Wives Leah is given to Jacob instead of Rachel Older must marry first Given Rachel and agrees to work seven more years Zilpah maiden for Leah Bilhah maiden for Rachel Jacob loved Rachel more
Sons are born Leah Ruben Simeon Levi Judah Bilhah Dan Naphtali Zilpah Gad Asher Leah Issachar Zebulun Dinah (daughter) Rachel Joseph
Time to leave Jacob had been here 14 years Ready to take his family and return to the land promised to him by God Laban pleads for him to stay Wages are negotiated Spotted and speckled Brown Mixed color sent three days away with Laban’s sons
Jacob’s success Power of imagination May have been used by shepherds in Canaan Exposed cattle to mixed color sticks Speckled and spotted sheep are born The L ORD is blessing Jacob Genesis 30:43 Thus the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.
God Almighty Keeps promises Promises to Abraham and Isaac Now repeated to Jacob I will be with you (same Jacob who had deceived his father) lesson
God Almighty Blessed Jacob How else would he have accumulated so much wealth Cattle and sheep with or without color, etc lesson
“pet peeve” awesome inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear; causing or inducing awe Slang. very impressive That car is totally awesome. “The appearance of God in this place is never to be thought of, but with a holy awe and reverence.” lesson
014 - Awesome God - 1.4
014 - Awesome God - 1.5
001 - I Stand In Awe End of Song I Stand in Awe
Genesis 11 Creation 22 Adam and Eve in the Garden 33 First Sin 44 Cain and Abel
Genesis 55 Generations of Adam 66 Wickedness; building of ark 77 Flood 88 Waters recede
Genesis 99 Meat for food; rainbow promise; capital punishment; sin of Noah 10 Generations of Noah 11 Tower of Babel; scattering of the people
Genesis 12 Promises to Abraham; lie in Egypt 13 Abraham and Lot separate 14 Abraham rescues Lot 15 God’s covenant with Abraham
Genesis 16 Birth of Ishmael 17 Covenant of circumcision 18 Strangers visit Abraham 19 Destruction of Sodom
Genesis 20 Abraham and Abimelech 21 Birth of Isaac 22 Test of faith 23 Death of Sarah
Genesis 24 Wife for Isaac 25 Jacob and Esau 26 Jacob and Abimelech 27 Jacob gets the blessing