P ERSEVERANCE Refusing to give up in the face of adversity – no matter how difficult the task Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Week 3
Perseverance “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” -Booker T. Washington Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character
B OOKER T. W ASHINGTON Preparation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Perseverance
B OOKER T. W ASHINGTON Booker T. Washington was a slave until he was 9 years old. He wanted an education more than anything and overcame many obstacles to obtain one. Booker T. Washington once traveled hundreds of miles (mostly on foot) to reach the Hampton Institute, which was a school for blacks. He became the first black principal of an all black school – The Tuskegee Institute. Booker T. Washington authored many books, but his most famous was titled Up From Slavery. Preparation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Perseverance
B OOKER T. W ASHINGTON “I resolved at once to go to that school, although I had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how I was going to reach it…That thought was with me day and night.” Preparation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Perseverance
Ethical Monday Ethical Dilemma – Graduate or Dropout? Lecture – The Importance of Education Character Movie Tuesday Scenes & questions from Rudy Role Model Wednesday Quiz on Chapter 3 – Booker T. Washington Leadership Thursday Basic Skill: Implement Study Skills Guest Speaker or Current Events (on-line blog) Principle #3 – Misconceptions of Leadership Assignment Friday Succeeding in School Preparation Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Composure Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Perseverance