Learning is the process of knowledge acquired through study, experience, or being taught.
Union Europeenne Des Medecin Specialistes It is the oldest medical organization in Europe Every Specialty has its domain Representation from 34 countries
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6 Courses and meetings Long-term study programs Delivery of education E-Learning Academic Writing Local clinical governance meetings
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Early Career Psychiatrists The branch of early career was founded in 2004 Eligible EC Psychiatrists : < 40 Residents are or completed specialization within the last five years Webcasts
Academia Summer School Webcasts
Gaining Experience Program Academia Summer School Webcasts
Scholarship Program Gaining Experience Program Academia Summer School Webcasts
Schools & Workshops
ECNP Research Internship (ERI) Schools & Workshops
ECNP Seminars ECNP Research Internship (ERI) Schools & Workshops
ECNP Awards ECNP Seminars Schools & Workshops ECNP Research Internship (ERI)
Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programs Founded in 2004 Primary Goals: Improvement and Promotion of Mental Health Programmes Worldwide
Current Projects Support to Mental Health Programmes in the least Developed Countries (LDC) Comorbidity of mental and physical disorders Depression and Diabetes Dialogue Leadership Development in Psychiatry Development of a Staging System to Assess Needs for Care of People with Dementia Programmes Against Stigma of Mental Disorders
International Association for C.A.P. and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) Donald Cohen Fellowship The Donald J. Cohen Fellowship The program includes: Daily small group meetings with leading experts Dedicated poster presentation attended by senior faculty members Seminar for the fellows and other interested attendees Social activities Free registration plus support for lodging and traveling I.A.C.A.P.A.P.I.A.C.A.P.A.P.
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Janssen Psychiatry Academy
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