Escaping from reality can be rejuvenating and therapeutic A lot of people have trouble dealing with their inner demons and as a result resort to negative behavior or thinking when faced with issues and/or common realities. When anger builds up, people end up exploding. This can be the result of over working, being overwhelmed or stressed, and other sorts of tension builders that everyone has to face. A lot of people work in offices and don’t get the chance to exercise outside, or burn off steam by hitting the gym. Often times, this will make them agitated and they will take their anger out on a loved one, and then feel guilt later, when in fact they could be looking forward to a weekend get-a-way with they money they can save by eliminating junk food and only purchasing necessities. A lot of people work multiple jobs or have kids and claim they don’t have the time to exercise but can afford to hire a baby sitter to watch their kids while unnecessarily spending money on alcohol at the bar and temporarily getting a high that won’t be worth it later. The point of this article is to promote a healthy and affordable escape for the entire family by enjoying life and personal down-time in a gorgeous mountain town outside of the capital of Vermont. Engage in fun outdoor activities and enjoy the lavishness of eating five course meals prepared by high qualified chefs.
Photo Album of this alluring destination
Stowe also has beautiful private and public golf courses to offer which is a huge attraction especially for working men who love to casually gamble with their buddies. This scenic view and crisp air makes for the perfect environment for a good round of golf, a few beers and a good laugh. Spectators are allowed, and so are women and children. The second picture features a local cottage shop on Main Street.
Stowe’s method of advertising The authorities in involved in this deal knew that the best way to attract customers was, for one, to distribute articles in magazines targeted towards families, and specifically in this article towards women. (This particular article is from the most recent issue of “Women’s World.”) Not only do the writers advertise the activities that are available for guests to engage in such as going to the spa, golfing, skiing, mountain climbing, going on a gondola, or going on a road trip to a pumpkin patch or waterfall, but they also provide service to cities within a sixty mile radius that also have special attractions offered to guests. One interesting thing about this article is that there are two columns at the bottom of each page of the two page brochure, each providing customers with special reasons and ingredients for why they should visit the town of Stowe. The first with a teasing, enticing recipe called “Armchair Traveler” which is their home made potato salad. They reveal history of their tradition called Oktoberfest and explain how they have celebrated with this dish, and that the recipe is a courtesy of the Trapp Family Lodge, which is owned by the family “The Sound Of Music” family. This is a wise form of marketing because the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. The second page has information on what to buy while you’re there, what to pack, to prepare yourself for the visit, the average income and average cost of a household, and other such things that a person interested in visiting and staying at a resort in Stowe would want to know about.
The alternative.. Instead of over stressing yourself and having the desire to spend money on things that are bad for you, such as alcohol, drugs, and unhealthy foods, invest some time and money in a short getaway that will refresh, rejuvenate, and motivate your soul.