Controls internal conditions, growth, development, and reproduction Contains glands and organs that produces a chemicals and releases it into the blood
Pituitary gland- controls growth, development, and other glands. Ovaries- controls female characteristics and menstrual cycle Testes- control male characteristics Pineal glands- regulates daily changes activities in the body and the temperature in the body
Thyroid- amount of energy release by cells is controlled here Parathyroid- amount of calcium and phosphorous is controlled here. Pancreas- amount of glucose and insulin is controlled here. Adrenal- body’s reaction to anger, fright, or fear is controlled here
Diabetes- condition in which pancreas produces too little insulin. › People with diabetes test their blood with a pointy needle called a lancet and put a drop of blood on a test strip which tells you weather you have to much to little or just enough insulin.
The pituitary gland does not function properly; producing too little or too much somatotropin that causes an unusually short or unusually tall person › You need a blood test to tell if you have dwarfism or giantism.
Thyroid function slows down and person becomes lethargic and often gain weight. › To tell if you have hypothyroidism you have to have a thyroid examination and blood test.
Thyroid function becomes overactive; person may exhibit extreme nervousness, increased heart rate, and erratic metabolism. › To tell if you have hyperthyroidism you have to have a thyroid examination and a blood test.
1. What does the Endocrine System control? A.Nervous System C. Digestive System D. All of the above B. Controls internal conditions.
2. What does the pituitary gland control? C. Controls growth A. Controls the hippocampus B. Controls Homeostasis D. Controls dogs