Greek Philosophy and History Get Ready to Read Section Overview This section describes Greek contributions to the study of philosophy and the writing of history.
Get Ready to Read (cont.) Focusing on the Main Ideas Greek Philosophy and History Greeks wrote the first real histories in Western civilization. Greek philosophers developed ideas that are still used today.
Get Ready to Read (cont.) Pythagoras (puh·THA·guh·ruhs) Meeting People Socrates (SAH·kruh· TEEZ) Plato (PLAY· TOH ) Aristotle (AR·uh· STAH ·tuhl) Herodotus (hir·RAH·duh·tuhs) Thucydides (thoo·SIH·duh· DEEZ ) Greek Philosophy and History
Get Ready to Read (cont.) Building Your Vocabulary philosophy (fuh·LAH·suh·fee) philosopher (fuh·LAH·suh·fuhr) Sophist (SAH·fihst) Socratic method (suh·KRA·tihk) Greek Philosophy and History
Get Ready to Read (cont.) Reading Strategy Categorizing Information Use diagrams like the one on page 168 of your textbook to show the basic philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Greek Philosophy and History
Greek Philosophers Greek thinkers, called philosophers, believed the human mind could understand everything. The word philosophy comes from the Greek word for “love of wisdom.” (pages 169–171) Greek Philosophy and History
Greek Philosophers (cont.) Sophists were professional teachers who traveled from city to city, teaching others. They did not believe that gods and goddesses influenced people. He developed many ideas about mathematics. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who taught that the universe followed the same laws that governed music and numbers. Greek Philosophy and History (pages 169–171)
Greek Philosophers (cont.) Leaders did not trust Socrates, and accused him of teaching young Athenians to rebel. Socrates was a philosopher who believed that an absolute truth existed and that all real knowledge was within each person. They also did not believe in absolute right or wrong. Greek Philosophy and History (pages 169–171)
Greek Philosophers (cont.) Socrates was tried and sentenced to death. Plato was one of Socrates’ best students. The Socratic method is a form of teaching that uses questions to lead students to discover things for themselves. In his book the Republic, Plato described the ideal government. Greek Philosophy and History (pages 169–171)
Greek Philosophers (cont.) At the top were rulers and philosophers, in the middle were warriors, and at the bottom were all others. He opened his own school called the Lyceum. Aristotle was one of Plato’s students. Aristotle helped advance science and government. Greek Philosophy and History (pages 169–171)
Greek Philosophers (cont.) Many of his ideas shaped the way European and American founders thought about government. The “golden mean,” one of Aristotle’s ideas, states that a person should do nothing to excess. Greek Philosophy and History (pages 169–171)
What did Aristotle think about democracy? Aristotle noticed that most democracies were run by the poor, and those run by a few people were run by the rich. Aristotle thought the best government would be run by the rich and the poor. Greek Philosophy and History
Greek Historians (page 173) Many historians consider Herodotus the “father of history” because he wrote the history of the Persian Wars. The Greek Thucydides is considered the greatest historian of the ancient world. He wrote History of the Peloponnesian War. Greek Philosophy and History
Why is Herodotus important? He was the first person to try to explain the past by studying events. Greek Philosophy and History
Who were the Sophists and what were their beliefs? The Sophists were traveling teachers. They rejected the idea of absolute right and wrong. Greek Philosophy and History
The Greeks explained the past through legends and myths. Before Herodotus, how did Greeks explain the past? Greek Philosophy and History
Science Link How are Aristotle’s teachings related to the scientific method used by scientists today? Both use senses to make observations. Greek Philosophy and History
Contrast What is different about the works of Herodotus and Thucydides? Herodotus included gods and goddesses to describe some events. Thucydides examined history as the activities of humans, not gods. Greek Philosophy and History
Summarize Describe Aristotle’s contributions to government. He examined different forms of government and concluded mixed was the best. Greek Philosophy and History
Persuasive Writing Do you agree with Plato’s vision of the ideal state in the Republic? Write an editorial expressing your viewpoint. Answers will vary. Greek Philosophy and History
Discuss the Athenians’ treatment of Socrates. Greek Philosophy and History