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1)Click on the video clip above. Provide one positive and one negative evaluative point with regards to the above performance (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
2) Which of the above performers (A or B) are demonstrating a serve in tennis using the correct technique? Explain your answer using the correct terminology (3 marks). CLIP ‘A’CLIP ‘B’ HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
3) The video clip above shows a performer using two hands to play a shot during a game. (a)As a coach, when in a game might you advise your performer to play a two handed shot? (1 mark) (b)Provide one advantage and one disadvantage of playing a two handed shot in tennis (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
4a)Name the recognised tennis shot that wins the player nearest the camera the point in this game? (1 mark) 4b)Provide and explain one teaching point on how to successfully complete this shot in a game situation (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
5a)Clip ‘A’ shows a performer trying to improve her volleying technique in a practice situation. Provide and explain what you feel is the most important teaching point with regards to a successful volley shot in tennis (1 mark). 5b)Watch video clip ‘B’ and explain what you think is wrong with his volleying technique (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT CLIP ‘A’CLIP ‘B’
6)Watch the two clips of a doubles pair playing in a game. a)If you were coaching the above doubles partnership, what would be the first thing you would say to them with regards to the main thing that is wrong with their performance? (1 mark). b)With regards to player positioning in doubles tennis, state and explain a possible tactic that could be used by the above partnership (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
7)The video clip above demonstrates a common error in performance of a novice tennis player when attempting a basic forehand shot. State what this error is and why she will have problems returning the ball if her technique is not changed (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
8)The video clip above shows part of a rally during a competitive game of tennis. In terms of overall game tactics, what are BOTH players FAILING to do? Furthermore, suggest how both players could be more successful with regards to increasing the number of points they score (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
9)The video clip above shows a pupil practicing his forehand in a practice situation. Pick a positive evaluative point from his technique and explain how it will help him in a game situation (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREVRULES TEST
1)Watch the video clip of a competitive game of tennis. (a)Is the shot that is played before the video clip stops in or out? (1 mark) (b)Is there a situation in tennis when the decision on whether the above shot is in or out may be different? (1 mark) HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
2) Look at the IMAGE (no video clip) of a player performing a serve in a game situation. The ball landed in his opponent’s service box and the game continued. If you were umpiring the above game, would you allow the game to continue (state yes or no)? Explain your decision (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
3)Watch the above video clip of a competitive game. The clip stops halfway through a rally. If you were umpiring the above game, in reference to the last shot played by the player furthest away from the camera, would you allow the point to continue from where the clip stops (state yes or no)? Explain your answer (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
4)The video clip above shows a performer hitting the net when attempting his first service. Explain what would happen if, as part of the performer’s first service during a later point, the ball hit the net but dropped into his opponent’s service box? (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
5)From the diagram above, what is the name of the area of the court marked ‘a’ and the line marked ‘b’? (2 marks) HOMEPAGE PREV ‘a’ ‘b’