Skills and Techniques
Investigate Performance Initial data (stroke analysis sheet), Focused data (Obs. Schedule & Scatter Diagram, knowledge of Results Analyse results highlighting strengths & weaknesses Compare Performance Model Performer Movement Analysis Select Methods of Practice dependant on Stage of Learning Shadowing Easy/Varied/Random Feeds Gradual Build Up Whole Part Whole Repetition Drills Conditioned Games Develop Training Programme using Principles of Effective Practice your current level of ability your previous experience the complexity of the task your stage of learning S.M.A.R.T.E.R Practices progressively more demanding Work/Rest Ratio Carry out training programme Influential factors on Performance MOTIVATION FEEDBACK CONCENTRTATION Evaluate training programme TRAINING DIARY STROKE ANALYSIS MOVEMEMNT ANALYSIS KNOWLEDGE OF RESULTS Cognitive Associative Autonomous CYCLE OF ANALYSIS
Video Initial Match Analysis Observation Schedule Scatter Graph Read page 76 of the book and the information in your jotter and 1 st homework sheet, as well as the 1 st page of Nab Prep. Create a spider diagram with this info on it. You have 10 minutes to answer this question.
Did you structure your answer??? Did you have an opening sentence? Did you separate your answer into paragraphs? Now read page 79….. And give yourself a mark out of 6….. Be honest. Note down what you missed out. H/W you must learn this for next week.
The methods I used to identify my strengths and weaknesses were through a match analysis sheet, observation checklist, video and an accuracy plot sheet. I used a match analysis sheet as it is statistical factual information and therefore provides me with objective feedback. Furthermore, the information it contains can be graphed and also it is primary evidence as it is recorded by an experienced observer in the most demanding context of a game. Moreover, it is a permanent record that can be revisited to analyse progress. It is appropriate as that from using all its benefits (mentioned above) I could clearly see how I performed in different skills during the game thus allowing me to, at a glance, due to the statistical information, identify my strengths and weaknesses.
The appropriateness of using an observation checklist was that I could compare my technique in detail against a model performer’s technique. I could see clearly my strengths and weaknesses in the sub-routine of specific techniques that I could amend by breaking each technique down into preparation, action and recovery. The data acquired using an observation checklist is formal and specific which again means I can compare precisely how the technique is performed in comparison to mine. Thus I can easily have identified my strengths and weaknesses in further detail.
Using video to identify my strengths and weaknesses is very appropriate. This is because of the technology that video provides. Being able to pause, rewind and slow down video data of my performance allows me to see for myself (initially) and be able to identify my own strengths and weaknesses – or at least have them pointed out clearly. Using video again is a permanent record that can be kept, which is useful for the future. Being able to pause the video allows me to see the whole real picture of myself performing a particular technique and lets me see what I did correct or incorrect at which point in the whole technique and due to this it had x effect on the ball or the game etc.
Lastly a scatter graph is appropriate as well to identify which how accurate and consistent my shots (OHC). How consistent and accurate they are. By seeing the statistical information of an amount of shots plotted on the court, it is easy for me to see clearly where my shots were effective, very effective or ineffective.
Homework task. Look over your homework from last night. Question: From all your data gathered so far describe your strengths, weaknesses and development needs in badminton (6marks).
After analysing my data I found that my strengths were my spike and my volley. I know this from looking at my match analysis sheet, observation checklist and accuracy plot sheet. I can see that my spike is 36% very effective, 40% fairly effective and 14% ineffective. Moreover my volley statistics are 42% very effective, 40% fairly effective and 13% ineffective. I know that these two techniques alone are my strongest in the game of volleyball due to the high %’s of effectiveness. On the other hand, my weaker techniques include my day and my block. For my dig I got 23% very effective, 15& fairly effective and 62% in effective. For my block the results were 25% very effective, 25& fairly effective and 50& effective. That’s to conclude that my strength in volleyball from the results of a match analysis sheet are that my spike and volley are the best and my weakest are my block.
My development needs to improve on my two weakest shifts have to first be identified. By the observations checklist for both I found that for my dig I did not get low enough in my stance. Therefore, to improve it I should have my full move and have a wider stance. Also, I did not take pace off the ball at ‘cushion’ it. This was due to me swinging my arms, to develop it I should no swing them but to sue them to ‘cushion’ the ball. For the observation checklist for my block I found that I always turned side on. In doing so, I was early using one hand to block with and that meant that the destruction for the opponent was easier to deal with. By turning side-on as well it meant I have less chance of making contact with the ball. Additionally, I constantly faulted due to not jumping straight up and down but my taking off on one foot (sideway) and leaving it to the net to improve this I should take off straight up the way using two feet.
Give yourself a mark out of 6. How did you get on?
One week today Q1 and Q2 of the Nab. Look through your work from today. Look and learn the Nab prep sheet that was handed out. You are allowed you initial data with you. (your data booklets and nothing else) so you need to learn all this information.
A skilled / model performance shows these 3 characteristics: Technique (Efficiency) Movements are performed with maximum efficiency and minimum effort Movements are carried out in a fluent controlled way Correct Preparation, Action and Recovery of technique For example, in badminton, I practised moving efficiently and in balance to return net shots. I had a wide base of support and low centre of gravity as I lunged to the side. By moving carefully I was able to keep watching the shuttlecock. My non-hitting arm was used to provide balance.
Accuracy (Effectiveness) Being accurate in placing shots where you want them to go Being consistent in placing shots where you want them to go
Range (Adaptiveness) – how well skill can be adapted to meet the demands of the task: Good anticipation Good judgement of shuttle flight Appropriate decision-making – skilled performers perform the right skill at the right time Can disguise shots Can play a range of shots