A Christmas Carol Virtual Field Trip By Charles Dickens Developed by: Nicki Noordhoek nnoordhoek@yahoo.com 87T01/Designing and Creating a Virtual Field Trip
Meet the Author Click the link below to watch a short animated video on Charles Dickens. Answer the following questions as you watch: 1. When was Dickens born? 2. Where did the family move in 1822? 3. Charles went to work at what age? 4. Dickens took up what profession in 1831? 5. He was first published in what year? 6. In 1842 he and his family set sail for where? 7. At what age did Dickens buy the home his father pointed out to him as a boy? 8. What year did he die?
A Victorian Christmas Use the following link A Victorian Christmas to find the answers to the questions below. 1. Where and in what century was the Christmas tree introduced? 2. Who printed and designed the first commercialized Christmas card? PROJECT: After seeing the examples of the Christmas tree and card, design one of your own that would resemble one from the time of Dicken’s. For more examples, you can do your own search.
Kid Culture TIME TO PLAY: Click on the following link to review games played by children in the 19th century. TIME TO PLAY: Get in groups of 4-5 students and play two or three of the games together in class today.
Learning the Lingo Click on the following link of language guidelines of the time period. Answers the questions below. 1. For the Upper Class what letter would be dropped pronouncing the word ‘father’? 2. What gesture did a store owner make to show respect for their customers? 3. What word was used as a replacement for bathroom? 4. What is one useful phrase used by Lower Class? 5. What word was used as a replacement for child?
What to Wear Click the following link on appropriate attire during this time period and complete assignment below. Assignment: In paragraph form, describe what women, men, and children wore during this time period.
Meet the characters! Click the following links to learn about the main character in ‘A Christmas Carol’. Your assignment description will be on the next slide. Links: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/christmascarol/characters.html http://www.answers.com/topic/a-christmas-carol-novel-2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Carol http://cgi.turnerlearning.com/tntlearning/christmascarol/characters.html
Character Webs Assignment: Your assignment is to make a Inspiration web using three of the characters from the book. Each character will be a separate web and should have five descriptors coming off the center of web (which will be the name of the character). The descriptors should include the key points/ideas about the character and not all physical attributes.
The Ghost Visits Ebenezer is visited by three ghosts of Christmas past, present, and yet to come. Using the links below discover what lesson he learns from each ghost. Your assignment is to tri-fold a piece of paper and label one past, present, and future and it is your choice on how you inform us on the lessons. Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_Christmas_Past http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_christmas_present http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_christmas_future
A Little Jeopardy Anyone? The following link will open an interactive Jeopardy Powerpoint that we will be reviewing as a class after everyone finishes up. However, if you are done early you will have the opportunity to preview some of the questions! Good luck!
End of the Journey The purpose of this virtual field trip was to help you go beyond the book and find more in depth information regarding the time period, the author, and the culture in which this book was written. If you found other good sites along the way please share those with us!
Cited Sources: "A Christmas Carol (Characters)". Answers.com. May 30, 2009 <http://www.answers.com/topic/a-christmas-carol-novel-2>. "A Christmas Carol". Spark Notes. May 30, 2009 <http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/christmascarol/characters.html>. "A Christmas Carol ". Wikipedia Foundation. May 30, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Carol>. Bastiaans, Tamera . "Victorian Parlour Games". Old Fashion Living. May 30, 2009 <http://oldfashionedliving.com/parlour-games.html>. Damen, Mark. "Welcome to Jeopardy A Christmas Carol". May 30, 2009 <http://kn058.k12.sd.us/Christmas carol Jeopardy.ppt>. "Characters". TNT Learning Educators Guide. May 30, 2009 <http://cgi.turnerlearning.com/tntlearning/christmascarol/characters.html>. "Dickens-era Costume Information". Windell's Webs. May 30, 2009 <http://www.christmasvillerockhill.com/dickens.htm>. "Ghost of Christmas Past". Wikipedia Foundation. May 30, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_Christmas_Past>. "Ghost of Christmas Present". Wikipedia Foundation. May 30, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_Christmas_Present>. "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come". Wikipedia Foundation. May 30, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_Christmas_Future>. "Language Guidelines". Red Barn Productions. May 30, 2009 <http://oldfashionedliving.com/parlour-games.html>. Perdue, David. "Dickens and Christmas". May 30, 2009 <http://www.fidnet.com/~dap1955/dickens/christmas.html>. Rufflebrothers, "Bleak House". BBC. May 30, 2009 <http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=5959>.