Theories of Management EDUC 4454
Management Theories Theorists SkinnerCanterJonesDreikur
Classroom Management as Discipline Skinner’s Behavioural Management Theory
Skinner – Behavioural Management Definition: The practice of providing consequences for both good and bad behaviour. The teacher develops a process of systematically applying rewards (reinforcements) and consequences for behaviour.
Skinner – Behavioural Management This model of classroom management is also known as: behaviourism behavioural techniques behaviour modification social-learning theory
Classroom Management as Discipline Canter’s Assertive Discipline
Canter’s Assertive Discipline Definition: The teacher’s response style sets the tone of the classroom as well as impacting on the student’s self- esteem and success. Canter identified three basic response styles used by teachers when interacting with students
Canter’s Assertive Discipline Nonassertive Teachers: These teachers fail to make their needs or wants known. They appear indecisive which confuses students. They threaten but students know there will be no follow through.
Canter’s Assertive Discipline Hostile Teachers These teachers respond in a manner that disregards the needs and feelings of students. Their response to students are negative, condescending, sarcastic or hostile. They often make unprofessional comments about students and their peers. Consequences are overly severe.
Canter’s Assertive Discipline Assertive Teachers These teachers clearly and firmly express their needs. They have positive expectations of students. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. They are consistent and fair.
Classroom Management as Discipline Jones’s Positive Classroom Discipline
Jones’s Positive Classroom Discipline Definition: The teacher systematically strengthens desired behaviour while weakening inappropriate behaviour by using proximity control, negative reinforcement, incentives, body language and peer pressure.
Jones’s Positive Classroom Discipline Jones’s Four Step Model 1.Classroom Structure: setting up classroom rules, routines and the physical environment 2.Limit Setting: rule reinforcement through the use of body language, and low-key responses
Jones’s Positive Classroom Discipline 3.Responsibility Training: establishment of group rewards or incentives to create group responsibility and accountability for behaviour (PAT) 4.Back-up System: hierarchic organization of negative sanctions, a) Private with Student b) Public within Classroom c) Public with Two Professionals
Classroom Management as Discipline Dreikurs’ Logical Consequences
Dreikurs’ Logical Consequences Definition: The teacher considers the motivation and goals of the student behaviour in the development of a management plan. A more humanistic approach than just focusing on discipline. The teacher then applies Logical Consequences to assist students in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviours.
Dreikurs’ Logical Consequences Based on Alfred Alder’s concept that all behaviour had a purpose or goal, Dreikur identified 4 student goals of misbehaviour: 1.To seek attention 2.To gain power 3.To seek revenge for some perceived injustice 4.To avoid failure
Dreikurs’ Logical Consequences Logical Consequences: Must be tied directly to the misbehaviour Must not involve moral judgments Must distinguish between the deed and the doer Must be applied in a non-threatening manner Must present choice for the student
Principles of Management All four models share the following principles: The teacher is responsible for maintaining classroom control.
Principles of Management All four models share the following principles: Classroom management must be established before instruction can begin.
Principles of Management All four models share the following principles: Effective classroom management includes planning and implementing teaching strategies thoroughly, keeping students actively engaged in meaningful learning, and preventing disruptions through proactive management strategies.
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