Business Card Chris Valentine
Research I want my business card to work for me, which is why I have researched cards that I like the look of. My final design will be centred on digital media journalism, and the cards I have chosen here reflect that choice. For A Web Journalist (The back is a QR Barcode, which is used the show his work) QR barcodes haven’t been with us for that long, so it is clear that this web journalist is attempting to target a very specific audience with his card. It is a good idea though, as there is no limit to how much info can be held about him.
Research For a Designer(Uses a very futuristic look) I always enjoy seeing cards that are out of the ordinary, and these transparent business cards are no exception. They have most likely been made by a designer, which is why the futuristic look is appropriate, as the designer is also looking for ways to be innovative and help change the world for future generations.
Research An electronic business card (Not cheap, but would definitely leave an impact) This electronic business card is definitely one for the geeks among us. It is probably not the cheapest option, but it would definitely make an impression. It really appeals to me as I like all things digital, and this one really stands out in my mind. It could a big success, as there would be no limit as to how much writing could be stored on it. The only limitation would be memory.
Research For a Journalist (Simple design, appropriate, appealing background image.) This business card is simple and gets straight to the point quickly. When the audience sees the image, they know that it is related to writing and journalism in some way. The text is spaced out to use most of the card, so that it doesn’t look cluttered or over packed. This idea is suitable for someone who is starting out in the business of journalism. They need to get info out to people as quickly as possible with no distractions involved.
Research I also researched different typefaces, to find out the most appropriate one to use. Serif Serif fonts are widely used in traditional printed material such as books and newspapers. Many magazines employ sans serif typefaces, as some editors state that they are "cleaner", regardless of any impact on readability from the lack of serifs. Numerous studies have been done on the readability of serif vs. sans serif typefaces. Studies indicate that serif typefaces may be more readable in print.
Research San Serif In print, sans-serif fonts are used mainly for headlines rather text. This is because serifs help guide the eye along the lines in large blocks of text. Sans-serifs, however, have acquired considerable acceptance for body text in Europe.Europe Sans-serif fonts have become the standard for text on-screen, especially online.
Research ITC Avant Garde Gothic ITC Avant Garde Gothic is a font family based on the logo font used in the Avant Garde magazine. Herb Lubalin devised the logo concept and its companion headline typeface, then he and Tom Carnase, a partner in Lubalin's design firm, worked together to transform the idea into a full-fledged typeface.
Research Modern Modern is the term used to categorize fonts created at that time or in the style of that time. Modern fonts are recognizable by their thin, long horizontal serifs, and clear-cut thick/thin transitions in the strokes. The stress is vertical, which means there is no slant on the letters. They tend to look very structured and could be considered cold. Having said that, modern fonts can look really eye-catching and very elegant at large sizes. They are best used for headings and sub headings.
Research After I research on different typefaces, I have decided to opt for a mixture of both Serif and modern type for my business card. The reason for this is that I want my card to look professional and formal, but also elegant and eye catching. Serif fonts are mainly used in printing and newspapers, so it fits in with my overall goal, and modern typefaces are useful for both headings and subheading, which will help to give my business card the extra edge that it needs.
Idea w/Different Colour Styles
This was the style I was most pleased with, which is why I modified it further.
Modified Design
Final Design(Front and Back) QR Barcode used to access my portfolio of articles, stories, designs etc.