The UK Credit Framework and the Bologna Process Tim Cobbett Director of Quality and Governance
BOLOGNA PROCESS Bologna Declaration European ministers lay basis for establishing European Higher Education Area by Now 46 participating countries -Russia joined in 2003
BOLOGNA PROCESS AIMS Connection of national systems International transparency International recognition International mobility
Bologna: 10 Action Lines (1-5) 1.Easily readable and comparable degrees 2.3 cycles (Bachelor, Master, Phd) 3.Establishment of a system of credits (ECTS) 4.Mobility 5.European Co-Operation in Quality Assurance
Bologna: 10 Action Lines (6-10) 6.Promote European dimension 7.Focus on lifelong learning 8.Inclusion of institutions and students 9.Promote attractiveness of European Higher Education Area (EHEA) 10.Synergy between EHEA and European Research Area
Bologna First Cycle = Bachelors = Undergraduate End of Cycle Qualifications include: BA (Hons) = Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) BSc (Hons)= Bachelor of Science (with Honours)
Bologna Second Cycle = Masters = Postgraduate Includes: MA = Master of Arts MSc = Master of Science MPhil = Master of Philosophy (usually research)
Credit – Common Features “the allocation of credit provides information about the amount of learning and the academic standards of that learning”
Credit – amount of learning Total student study hours Student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme Not just lectures, tutorials, seminars Includes self-study time, assessment, etc
Credit – academic standards Learning Outcomes (and competencies) Level of learning outcomes maps to Bologna cycle Academic requirements of different levels described in Dublin Descriptors – European wide agreement. Universities develop their own learning outcomes, and are assessed to ensure that in line with Dublin Descriptors
European and UK Credit (1) European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) UK Higher Education Credit Framework
European and UK Credit (2) 1 ECTS Credit = 2 UK Credits 1 UK Credit = 10 Study Hours 1 ECTS Credit = 20 study Hours
UK National Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Responsible for Quality Assurance of all UK universities and other HE providers Regular Audits of institutions (6-years) Quality Code sets out expectations for academic standards and quality improvement
UK Credit and Qualifications FHEQ validated against Bologna Framework in 2008 FHEQ maps directly onto the European framework European Qualifications = UK qualifications UK Credit = European Credit
UK Higher Education Qualifications and Credit Certificate in HELevel 4120 credits (1 year) Diploma in HELevel 5120 credits (1 year) Bachelor DegreeLevel 6360 credits (3 years) Masters DegreeLevel 7180 credits(12 months) Doctoral DegreeLevel 8540 credits (3 years)
Mapping of EHEA Framework to UK Framework, UK Credits and ECTS see handout
Masters Courses UKMainland Europe Duration12 or 13 monthsVariable - up to 3 years Credits180, of which at least 150 at level ECTS, of which at least 60 at Second Cycle
Websites - Further Information European Higher Education Area European University Association Universities UK International Unit (includes Europe Unit) Quality Assurance Agency