The Promotion of Active Safety Measures in Japan - collision damage mitigation brake - September 2007 Road Transport Bureau Road Transport Bureau MLIT Japan Informal document No. GRRF (62nd GRRF, September 2007, agenda item 10(c))
Target of safety measures Government of Japan Safety Policy of Government of Japan Number of accidents (Unit: 10,000 accidents) Number of fatalities Number of traffic accidents/injuries/vehicles (x10,000) Number of injuries (Unit: 10,000 persons) Number of fatalities (Persons) [Based on Traffic Accident Occurrence Conditions (National Police Agency Traffic Bureau)] Number of vehicles (Unit: 1 million vehicles) Ultimately Zero 5,500 (2010) 6,352 (2006)
Target of Fatality Reduction Effect by vehicle safety measures (II) Continuous reduction after 2010 by active safety Additional in 2006 (I) New target:2,000 reduction “The 2006 MLIT Transport Policy Council’s Report on vehicle safety ”
Strategies for active safety measures Short term measures: incentives for priority technologies should be considered. Middle term measures : introduction of new type of accident analysis using driving recorder. Future measures: development of communication technologies is important. “The 2006 MLIT Transport Policy Council’s Report on vehicle safety ” After success of passive safety measures, prompt action should be taken now to expand utilization of active safety for continuous reduction after 2010.
Market introduction of Active Safety Technology Technical measures Technical guidelines based on “ the concept of driver assistance.” Public outreach Publication Events Knowledge for users Basic information about ASV technologies Industries’ effort Motor vehicle industries Truck operators Government support Clear message of importance of ASVs Incentive measures
Incentives Heavy duty vehicles equipped with collision damage mitigation brake (CDMB) are subsidized from April Why collision damage mitigation brake on heavy duty vehicle was selected for incentives? Matured technologies Effectiveness Social necessity Brake vtivate The milimeter wave sensor is scannning former condition ●When the vehicle approachs to former vehicle; Pipipi! When Driver seems not to aware the former vehicle, warning activates When the vehicle presumes to crash to former car, the vehicle activate the brake
The estimated reduction volume by the vehicle speed km/h 86% reduction Number of fatal accident Estimated Reduction volume of the number of fatal accident Total 100 % 97.7 % 87.5 % 79.6 % 73.2 % MLIT estimates that the number of fatal accidents related heavy duty vehicle can be reduced about 90% when collision mitigation braking system on the heavy duty vehicles reduce speed around 20 km/h. More than 55% of accidents are rear end collision Damage to other vehicles is 12 times more severe than collision with a passenger vehicle Social Necessity It depends on the manufacture’s philosophy. Ex) Heavy duty vehicle equipped with the brake become to be sold. Matured Technology Effectiveness
For goods vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of at least 8 tons or a maximum loading capacity of 5 tons or more and … ・ When a forward obstacle has been detected and the predicted collision time falls below the collision judgment line (ex, 0.8sec), brake control function exceeding 3.3m/s 2 shall be started. ・ When a forward obstacle has been detected and the predicted collision time falls below the collision risk judgment line (ex, 1.6sec), brake control function may be started. ・ ・・・ Technical guidelines for CDMB Technical regulation At present, MLIT is discussing a technical regulation of collision damage mitigation brake equipped with these heavy duty vehicles.
Conclusion Transport Policy Council, which is advisory group of MLIT, revised the target of road safety in June Continuous fatality reduction after 2010 is one of the new target. To archive the new target, the promotion of the active safety technology is necessary. Accordingly, to promote the active safety technology, MLIT started to give new subsidy for “collision damage mitigation brake” from April At present, MLIT is discussing a technical regulation of collision damage mitigation brake for heavy duty vehicles.
MLIT Japan Thanks for your attention!!