The Lottery Why should Utah adopt the lottery?
When was the Lottery started 1 St recorded lottery was held during reign of Augustus Caesar 1 st recorded lottery to distribute prize money was in 1466 in what is now Belgium 1 st US lottery was in 1612 created by King James to aid then British- colony Jamestown Modern form of today’s lottery was established in New Hampshire in 1964 Now operates in 43 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Benefits Provides funding for Education system Public works National Parks In many states taxpayers decide where the funds go
Oregon Oregonians designated 59% of lottery earnings to public education, allocating the rest to economic development and state parks.
Georgia In 1995 Georgia yielded 85 million in scholarships which allowed more than 100,000 Georgia high school graduates to receive post secondary education
New Jersey 59.63% - Prizes34.43% - Education/Institutions5.57% - Retailer commissions1.34% - Contractor fees1.33% - Admin expenses.02% - other operating expenses
Pennsylvania Since 1972 the lottery has generated more than 22.6 billion in funding programs that offer assistance with Senior centers Low-cost Prescrition drugs Free transit and reduced fare share rides Property taxes/ rent rebate program Long term living services
Pennsylvania For every dollar 60 cents goes to prizes 30 cents to benefit programs 6.9 cents to retail and vendor commissions 2.1 cents operating expenses
Why Utah?
Sources NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSION- s.html Where the money goes Beneficiaries/Who-Benefits/Where-Does-The-Money- Go.aspx Beneficiaries/Who-Benefits/Where-Does-The-Money- Go.aspx Utah missing out on benefits of the lottery-