Red Wings Relay For Life Team Meeting Tuesday, May 21
P URPOSE OF T HIS M EETING ! To THANK YOU for being a team captain! To give you an idea of what the event will look like To give you tips on how to be a great team captain To give you ideas for fundraising leading up to the event Answer any questions you may have
W HERE DO WE STAND ? As of today we have 16 Teams $5, Participants Our goal is to reach $50,000!
W HAT IS R ELAY F OR L IFE ? Relay Video Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back Survivors and Caregivers Where the Money Goes
D UTIES OF T EAM C APTAINS Tools for Information- Team Captain Packet, Try to recruit a full team (typically 8-15 people) Encourage your teammates to fundraise Act as the liaison between the planning committee and your team (Fill them in about what they need to know for the event!) Spirit Points
F UNDRAISING Four Types of Fundraising- Team, Individual, Online and On Site Plan a Team Fundraiser – If you your plans to we will post your fundraisers to the Relay website! Teams share ideas Sell Luminarias (you can take some tonight!) Use the Scratch Cards #1 BEST FUNDRAISING TIP………. (wait for it)
THE RELAY FOR LIFE WEBSITE! Send out s – use the templates! Make your page personal – add a picture and a story Set a goal Use Facebook
H OW YOU WILL BE RECOGNIZED FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK ! Team Fundraising Club Levels Individual Club Levels Team Captain T-Shirt!
Y OU WILL BE PRESENTED A C LUB S IGN AT THE EVENT TO PROUDLY PUT ON DISPLAY FOR ALL TO SEE ! Rising Star- $1,000 Bronze- $2,500 Silver- $3,500 Gold $5,000 Platinum- $7,500 Jade- $10,000 Sapphire- $15,000 Emerald- $25,000
C ONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING TEAM FUNDRAISING CLUB MEMBERS ! Barattini Family: at the Rising Star Level with $1,479 Rochester Teacher’s Association: at the Rising Star Level with $1,205
I NDIVIDUAL F UNDRAISING C LUB L EVEL Don’t forget about the prizes you can get individually as well! At $100 you receive a Relay for Life t-shirt
I NDIVIDUAL F UNDRAISING CLUB L EVELS Bronze Level- $250-$349 Silver Level- $350-$499 Gold Level- $500-$749 Platinum Level- $ Jade Level- $1,000-$1,499 (Also Grand Club member!) Sapphire Level- $1,500- $2,499 Emerald Level- $2,500-$3,499 (Also All Star!) Topaz Level- $3,500- $4,999 Ruby Level- $5,000-$7,499 Diamond Level- $7,500-$9,999 Purple Level- $10,000 and Up Find prizes for each level in your Team Captain Packet
A LL DONATIONS MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN 15 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT TO COUNT TOWARDS INCENTIVES !! You will receive an with a certificate code which enables you to redeem a prize at your achieved fundraising amount. **Please be sure that your address is correct on the website**
R ELAY FOR L IFE G RAND C LUB A Relay for Life All Star is a person who raises $1,000 or more on their own! Since All Stars are special they will receive their own 2013 commemorative Grand Club shirt! Congratulations to Charlie Dean for already reaching the Grand Club level!
R ELAY FOR L IFE A LL S TAR A Relay for Life All Star is a person who raises $2,500 or more on their own! Since All Stars are special they will receive their own 2013 commemorative All Star watch!
B ASIC E VENT I NFORMATION Celebrate Ceremony begins at 7:00pm Remember Ceremony begins at 10:00pm Fight Back Ceremony begins at 6:30am
N EXT MEETING Tuesday, June 18 –6:00 PM Logistics Rules On Site Fundraising Ideas Banking