REGIONAL TRAINING ON SEVERE WEATHER FORECASTING AND WARNING SERVICES: WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES (MACAO 15-19TH APRIL 2013) PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES IN MYANMAR Chit Kyaw (Deputy Director,Focal point of PWS) -Dissemination of warnings and Forecasts. -Public Education and Raising awareness by PWS focal person -Partnership with the media. -Handling difficult media situations. -Public Education and PWS focal Activities. -User perspective and satisfaction with the public weather and warnings services
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Dissemination of warnings and Forecasts in Myanmar. Higher Authorities Local Government Air/Navy Administration Health Social & Relief Transport Agro/Irrigation Local Government Local Departments Local NGOs Televisions Newspapers Radios/FMs Website/Hotline Phone/Fax Local Commands Security INGOs/NGOs Local Communities Local Communities
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Types of Forecast/Warning Responsible Section/Division Time Daily Weather Forecast 7:00Am/12:00Am/2:00pm/ 4:00pm/7:00pm 10 day weatherLRFEvery month of 8/18/28 Monthly WeatherLRFEvery month of (28) Seasonal WeatherLRFApril 28/June 28/August 28 Aviation WeatherAviation MetEvery 6 Hourly Special weatherForecasting Branch As per request and weather conditions Coastal WeatherForecasting Branch10:30 Am/ 1:30pm New RecordsForecasting BranchIf new record occur.. Agromet BulletinAgrometEvery 10 day Cyclone/surgeForecast/warning24-36 Hr before Heavy rainfallForecast/warningVigorous monsoon/cyclone/.... Untimely RainfallForecasting BranchWeather disturbance.... Fog WarningAviation MetIf necessary Port WarningForecasting BranchSqually wx is expected
1.Storm Warning 2.Storm Surge Warning 3.Strong Wind Warning 4.Port Warning 5.Heavy Rainfall Warning 6.Untimely Rainfall Warning 7.Minimum alert WL in Low flow period 8.Flood Warning 9.Significant Weather Report for the Airport (SIGMET) 10.Special Weather Report for the Airport (SPECI) 11.Fog Warning 12.Tsunami Warning 1.Daily Weather Forecast 2.Decadal and monthly Weather Forecast 3.Sea route Forecast 4.Aviation Forecast 5.Special Weather Forecast 6.Water level Forecast 7.Lowest Water level Forecast 8.Water level Bulletin 9.General Forecast for Southwest Monsoon 10.Early, Mid-, Late monsoon Weather Forecast 11.Analysis of Early, Mid-, Late monsoon Rainfall condition 12.Hydrologic Summary 13.Special Weather Condition 14.Technical Report for Southwest Monsoon 15.Earthquake News
Warning systems for Cyclone(Color Code Systems) (1)Yellow Colour Stage “The Depression is forming in the Bay of Bengal. But it’s moving direction is not toward Myanmar Coast” (2) Orrange Colour Stage “The Depression is forming in the Bay of Bengal and it’s moving direction is toward Myanmar Coast”(Standby position) (3)Red Colour Emergency Stage “Dep or Cyclone may cross to Myanmar next 48 hours.” (crossing point/maximum wind speed/surge height/impact areas.) (4)Brown Colour Stage “The condition of crossing coast and very dangerous period”. (crossing point/maximum wind speed/surge height/impact areas.) (5)Green Colour Stage “Safty condition of Cyclone dasaster. (search and rescue)
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Public Education and Raising awareness (by PWS focal person)
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Public Education and Raising awareness (by PWS focal person) Awareness Training in Local Communities
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Public Education and Raising awareness (by PWS focal person)
WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES Public Education and Raising awareness (by PWS focal person)
CBDRR training &Awareness
Handling difficult media situations Difficult with voice Media(Radios) Difficult with printed Media(Journals) Interference from outsiders Over action with rumours. WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC WEATHER SERVICES
User perspective and satisfaction with the public weather and warnings services. *Monsoon Forum(Two times per year) -Government agencies -NGOs -Related Local authorities -Local communities are invited. *Questions and answer by Telephone. *Terms and terminological problems
Thanks for Your Attention Chit Kyaw DMH,Myanma r