Worship The Islamic place of worship is a Mosque When Muslims go to a mosque, there is a place either outside the mosque or just inside where they take off their shoes and carry out a cleaning ritual. Within the mosque there are separate areas of worship for men and women. When everyone is in the mosque they sit to show an equal status.
Prayer Muslims are meant to pray five times a day equally spread apart so that god is always present in their mind. When they pray they should face towards Mecca. Prayer is also known as Salat.
Mecca/Mekah As previously mentioned when Muslims pray they face Mecca. Muslims must at least make one pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. (providing they are financially and physically able) The pilgrimage is done from days 8-13 of the 12th month. The reason they go to Mecca is because it was declared a site of pilgrimage by the Prophet Muhammad in 630.
Dietary Laws Foods come in to two categories: Halal (Lawful) and Haram (Unlawful) Meat from swine is not allowed Alcohol is not allowed Animals must be slaughtered in the permitted (clean) way. The slaughter must be carried out by a certified and qualified Muslim as a special prayer is chanted.
Quran The Quran is the holy book for Muslims. They read the Quran from left to right. It is available in 40 languages but Muslims are taught to learn and recite it in Arabic. When Quran’s first came out, they were rare so Muslims had to learn it by heart.
5 Pillars of Worship Shahada – A person becomes a Muslim by making the basic statement of testimony or witness Salat – A formal ritualised prayer performed at 5 specified times in the day Zakat – An obligatory charitable contribution theoretically due annually from every Muslim Saum – Fast from dawn to dusk each day during the 9 th month Hajj – At least once in their life, each Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca
Fun Facts! Islam is the second largest religion in the world. There are about 2 million Muslims in Britain. In Arabic, Islam Means ‘Submission to the will of God’ After saying ‘Prophet Muhammad’ you need to say ‘peace be upon him’