Reinvestment In California’s Higher Education System Educating our Workforce Keeping our Promise Orange County Business Council April 15, 2015
The Promise to Students
UC is designated the State's primary academic research institution and is to provide undergraduate, graduate and professional education. UC is given exclusive jurisdiction in public higher education for doctoral degrees and for instruction in law, medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. CSU's primary mission is undergraduate education and graduate education through the master's degree including professional and teacher education. Faculty research is authorized consistent with the primary function of instruction. The California Community Colleges have as their primary mission providing academic and vocational instruction for older and younger students through the first two years of undergraduate education (lower division)
The Promise to Students UC was to select from among the top one-eighth (12.5%) of the high school graduating class. – 10 UC Campuses CSU was to select from among the top one-third (33.3%) of the high school graduating class. – 23 CSU Campuses California Community Colleges were to admit any student capable of benefiting from instruction.
Educating Your Workforce FTE does not represent student head counts
…With Less $$$ Per Student
State Support to State Subsidized
Per Student Support at Historic Lows
When the State Disinvests Students Must Bear the Costs
Expenses Haven’t Changed CSU General Fund UC General Fund*
Who’s Paying the Expenses Has CSU State Support vs Student Support UC State Support vs Student Support State SupportTuition Support FY %19.2% FY %54.3% State SupportTuition Support FY %19.2% FY %46.3%
While High School students completing A-G Requirements grows
Enrollment Rates at UC and CSU shrink
We Know We Need More Degreed Workers in California
We Know Degrees Lower Unemployment in California
We Know Degrees Mean Economic Prosperity
We Know The UC & CSU System Can Solve This Problem
UC & CSU BUDGET REQUEST Reinvesting in our Future – Helping Keep California’s Promise
UC Budget Request
UC spending on education per student has decreased over time; State funding has plunged even more steeply. Average Education Expenditures Per Student
Enrollment – Increasing State Funds per CA Resident – Decreasing
UC Budget Request Additional $100 million in state investment will allow the University to: Eliminate the undergraduate tuition increase in Meet increasing demand by enrolling 5,000 additional California high school and community college transfer students over 5 years Continue to address California’s workforce needs by producing highly qualified graduates Increase academic performance and administrative efficiencies Support academic quality initiatives to improve students’ experiences and help graduate them on time by increasing the number of UC faculty and course sections, updating classroom equipment and providing adequate library and instructional materials Renovate existing and build new classrooms and research labs
Online Courses – Increasing
Changing Student Demographics
UCI Primary Cost Drivers Student Enrollment Changing Student Demographics Regulations and Compliance Requirements Deferred Maintenance Technology Needs Faculty Salaries Staff Salaries / Collective Bargaining Units Employee Benefits Capital Needs
Core Budget for Operations Access: UC’s long-term plan prioritizes enrollment growth for Californians. 43% of UC undergraduates are first-generation college students. Affordability: UC’s long term plan prioritizes financial aid. Thanks to the State’s Cal Grant and UC’s financial aid programs, the average gift aid is over $16,000. Quality: UC’s long-term plan prioritizes academic quality. Current and future students deserve the same caliber of faculty, facilities, and opportunities as past students
CSU Budget Request
Support Your Higher Education Request the Legislature and Governor Brown fully fund the budget requests for the UC Board of Regents and CSU Board of Trustees Invest an additional $100 Million in UC and $97 Million in CSU
A Better Return for Your Reinvestment Higher Graduation Rates Critical Infrastructure Upgrades Educating Orange County’s Employees
“As spending on CSU and UC has declined, corrections spending has soared.” Budget Brief, California Budget Project (May 6, 2014) Change in State Agency Funding Since 1990 Note: not adjusted for inflation. 39