Parts of Speech- Verbs English 9 2014
Action Verbs Action verbs tell what happens. Sit and throw for example, are action verbs. An action verb is a verb that tells what action someone or something is performing. The king rules. Famine struck the people. The person or thing that performs the action is called the subject of the verb. The verb rules tells what the subject king does. The verb struck tells what the subject Famine did. Action verbs show mental action as well as visible action. Visible- We chose two books about China. Mental- They remember the film about China. Recognizing action verbs.
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs An action verb is transitive if it directs action toward someone or something named in the same sentence. An action verb is intransitive if it does not direct action toward someone or something named in the sentence. The receiver of the action of a transitive verb is called the object of the verb. Intransitive verbs, however, have no objects. Transitive- Pat carried her books to the lecture on Asia. Intransitive- The temperature fell quickly.
Transitive or Intransitive? Most action verbs can be transitive in one sentence and intransitive in another. To determine whether a verb is transitive or intransitive ask whom? or What? after the verb. If you can find the answer in the sentence, the verb is transitive. If not, the verb is intransitive. Transitive: Bill reads books about Asia. Intransitive: Bill reads every night before going to bed. Distinguishing between transitive and intransitive.
Linking Verbs Linking verbs do not show action. Though few in number, these verbs are widely used. A linking verb helps one word in a sentence name or describe the condition of another word in the sentence. A linking verb is a verb that connects a word at or near the beginning of a sentence with a word at or near the end.
Forms of Be In English, the most common linking verb is some form of the verb be. Notice how the forms of be-is, are, and was- connect words at the beginning of the following sentences with words at the end. Sara is an astronaut.- is connects Sara with astronaut. He was glad. – was connects He and glad.
The Forms of Be Am Are Is Was were Am being Are being Is being Was being Were being Can be Could be May be Might be Must be Shall be Should be Would be Will be Have been Has been Had been Could have been May have been Might have been Must have been Shall have been Should have been Will have been Would have been
Note about Verbs Expressing Existence The verb be is not always used as a linking verb. Sometimes, it simply expresses existence, generally by showing where something is located. Examples: The missile should be on the launch pad. He is your ticket. Recognizing forms of be used as linking verbs
Other Linking Verbs Verbs other than be may also be used as linking verbs. In the examples below, you can see how these verbs act as linking verbs by helping words at the end of the sentences name or describe the place or thing at the beginning. The situation on board remained serious. The astronauts grew anxious. appear become feel grow look remain seem smell sound stay taste turn Identifying other linking verbs
Linking Verb or Action Verb? Most of the verbs in the previous chart can be used as either linking verbs or action verbs. To determine whether a verb is being used as a linking verb or as an action verb in a sentence, you can substitute am, are or is for the verb. If the substituted verb make sense and connects two words, then it the original verb is being used as a linking verb. If the substituted verb makes the sentence illogical or fails to connect two words, then the original word is an action verb.
A verb is functioning as a linking verb if am, are or is can logically be substituted for the verb. Linking Verbs Action Verbs The pears taste sweet. The pears are sweet. -Linking Apollo 13 appears ready. Apollo 13 is ready. The runner grew tired. The runner is tired. - Linking I taste the red peppers. I am the red pepper. (action, not linking) Apollo 13 appears suddenly. Apollo 13 is suddenly. He grew a beard. He is a beard. Distinguishing between linking and action verbs.
Helping Verbs Helping Verbs Verbs Helping verbs are verbs that can be added to another verb to make a single verb phrase. Verb phrases are created by the addition of helping verbs to other verbs. The following chart lists six examples. Do does did have has had would shall should will might must can could may Helping Verbs Verbs Am did can will be should have might have been Talking play write studying seen considering