Holland Central School District New Teacher Mentoring Program Introduction
Take five minutes to think about your first year of teaching. What was it like? Was it a positive or negative experience? Why?
Goals of the HCSD Mentor Program Easing transition for new teachers into the classroom Increasing retention of quality teachers Improving skills of new teachers Providing on-site support Encouraging and coaching new teachers to improve student achievement Developing a professional learning community
The Role of the Mentor MENTOR ConfidanteColleagueRole ModelAdvisor Information Resource
Confidentiality Mentors are NOT evaluators! Confidentiality must be maintained between the mentor and mentee at all times. In no way should confidential information be shared from mentee or mentor to administration, except in the event that someone’s actions put students or others at risk.
Mentee Expectations: Year One Participate in summer orientation Meet weekly with mentor Write a weekly reflection and share with mentor Attend monthly district mentor meetings Be observed at least once by mentor Meet with mentor to review evaluation Participate in assessment of mentor program
Mentee Expectations: Year Two Meet regularly (as determined by mentor) Write a weekly reflection and share with mentor Attend monthly district mentor meetings Be observed at least once by mentor Meet with mentor to review evaluation Participate in assessment of mentor program
Mentee Expectations: Year Three Year two activities (only required upon administrative request) Meet with mentor to review evaluation (optional)
Observations The mentor is required to observe the mentee and provide feedback at least once per year. It is helpful for the mentor to observe the mentee prior to his or her first formal observation by the principal. More observations can be scheduled if desired. Mentees should be encouraged to observe their mentors or other peers. The district will help provide coverage for teachers to observe each other if necessary.
Attendance If the mentee cannot attend the weekly meeting, he or she must notify the mentor and reschedule. If the mentee cannot attend the monthly district mentor meeting, he or she must notify the director of curriculum as to why.
Release Time/Summer Hours ½ day during school year ½ day during summer
Mentoring in Action ntoring-for-new-teachers ntoring-for-new-teachers
Discussion What ideas stood out to you as being most important? What questions/concerns do you have?
Professional Development What do you need to be successful as a mentor? What do the new teachers need to be successful?
Next Steps Meet with your mentee and get to know him or her Go over the mentor program expectations Discuss tips for making the first days and weeks of school a success: – Classroom Organization – Establishing rules and procedures – Finding information and resources – Preparing lessons