+ Claire DeVaughan National Map Liaison for Oklahoma Oklahoma 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) State/Regional Coordination Workshop
Oklahoma 3DEP State/Regional Coordination Workshop The purpose of the Oklahoma 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Workshop/Meeting on June 24 is to provide a forum and opportunity for the Oklahoma 3DEP stakeholder community to come together to discuss and compare lidar acquisition priorities. These state/regional meetings that are occurring nationwide from early May to late June represent a continuation in the series of public meetings to provide background on the 3D Elevation Program and introduce the USGS’ FY15 3DEP Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) process. While issued in FY15, the FY15 Solicitation will result in FY16 awards. Purpose
D Elevation Program (3DEP) A large amount of information on the program is available at the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) FY15/16 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Information Sharing Site: You may view presentation materials from the national webinars that were held in late April, and also register for the Oklahoma meeting (in person or virtual attendance), at the following site: 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Upcoming Public Meetings (Webinars, Workshops): Resources
D Elevation Program (3DEP) The 3D Elevation Program Initiative – A Call for Action USGS NGP Lidar Base Specification V1.2 For Further Information Contact: 3D Elevation Program: Additional Information Resources
Oklahoma 3DEP State/Regional Coordination Workshop Will be held from 1-4 pm at the USGS Oklahoma Water Science Center, 202 NW 66 th, Bldg 7, in Oklahoma City (Webex will be available for remote participants) Please contact Claire DeVaughan if you have any questions about the meeting, 3DEP, or the BAA Thank you, hope to see you on June 24th!