Introduction Practice the concept of the Management Attributes of a successful Manager Postmaster as a operational Manager Plan and anticipate challenges as a manager Why manager is required---read the material Unit 2.11
Management It is both Art and Science – Art – making people more effective than they would have been without management – Science – How you do that Act of people to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Unit 2.12
Brainstorming What do you understand by the definition of management? Do you posses the required tools for becoming a manager? 3Unit 2.1
Management Techniques Planning Organising Staffing Leading Controlling Resourcing Unit 2.14
Management Techniques Planning – For change – For Target achievement – Hardware / Software Installation – Improvement in quality of service Organising – resourcing - staffing – Human resource – Material – Machine Unit 2.15
Leading--Team Building – Team formation for small internal projects – Selection of team leader – Selection of proper members Monitoring-- controlling – Monitoring of day to day work – Monitoring of day to day office service level – KPI Score, Different MIS – customer relations / Complaints & suggestions Unit 2.16
Exercise 2.1 What techniques do you need in managing the office? How these can be used at your level, explain with situations. Unit 2.17
Service Sector Vs Other Sectors Service SectorOther Sector 1. Investment is required1. Large investment required 2. No production of goods2. There is production of goods 3. It contributes for the comprehensive development of the nation 3. It contributes to the development of small unit / individual 4. It contributes large in GDP4. Less contributes to GDP 5. It has immense potential to accelerate the growth of economy 5. It does not have that much potential. Unit 2.1 8
Service sector challenges Human resource Changing expectation levels between customers Competitions – run by professionals NO SECOND CHANCE Unit 2.19
Group discussion How to overcome the challenges in service sector—in your office? List the best practices of managing a service unit Unit 2.110
Attributes of Successful Manager Benchmarking BPR Collaborate Innovation Consumer Ethnographic Core Competencies Corporate Blogs Knowledge Management Unit 2.111
Management Tools Knowledge – Organisation – Product / Services of the organisation – Rules / Procedures – Capacity of subordinates – Nature of subordinates Skills - Time Management Skills - Interpersonal Skills - Supervisory Skills - Effective Selling Skills - Conflict Handling Skills - Effective Decision Making Skills - Team Building Skills - Mentoring Skill Unit 2.112
Aspects of Management HR Management – Assessment of work load – Leave Management – Manpower empowerment – Training – Proper Engagement Infrastructure Management – Assessment / Stock – Indenting (Fresh Requirement) – Installation / Utilisation – Maintenance Customer Management (Internal & External) – Behavioural Skill – Need / Expectation analysis – Customer Relations – Business Etiquettes – Superior Customer Service Unit 2.113
Presentation by trainees Presentation of paper by trainees on attributes of Successful Manager as to how each aspect is applicable in their daily work. Each group will take one attribute as listed in PPT 11. Unit 2.114
15Unit 2.1
Introduction to unit 2.2 Postmaster as Manager Role of postmaster yesterday- today and tomorrow Participants will prepare a format declaration which they will practice in their official life. 16Unit 2.1
Presentation Trainees in groups to present how they see the role of postmaster – yesterday-today-manager of tomorrow. 10 minutes for preparation and 4 X 5 for presenting. 17Unit 2.1
Role of PM (Manager) Duties of Post Master SPM is the in charge of office and perform all duties of SPM as adhered in postal manuals and instruction issued on time to time. He should supervise the work of all the branches and maintain the stock register of all type of accountable articles/forms/certificates/passbooks etc. To maintain APAR’s/PF/Leave register of all Multi skilled Employee and Postmen and CL balance of P.As / postman and Gr. D staff of his office. To maintain all type of books of accounts and ensure timely submission of replies / returns to relevant offices. To be in charge of Treasury. To do work of pension payment. To supervise & stop leakage of revenue. 18Unit 2.1
Review of assignment given on First Day Preparation of chart--Duties & responsibilities of Postmaster Unit 2.119
Role of Postmaster about …. Planning Development Monitoring Managing and using Human Resources Setting Targets – Gap Analysis Redefining the Targets / Approaches 20Unit 2.1
Exercise 2.2 Participants to list - duties of postmaster in view of computerisation and new services being provided by the department. Trainer to consolidate the duties and come up with a standard list. 21Unit 2.1
Case studies Planning Anticipation Organising Human resource management 22Unit 2.1
End of module 2.2 Unit 2.123
Introduction to unit 2.3 Taking charge of post office Goal setting Creating conducive environment Managing quality Developing postmasters handbook Develop managers toolkit 24Unit 2.1
Brainstorming Meaning of taking charge of a post office………………………………….. 25Unit 2.1
Goal Setting - Why I should do this? What is goal as related to a Post Office? Completing the days job…. Providing efficient service to the customer… Setting achievable revenue /income targets…. Setting improvement standards / benchmarking…. 26Unit 2.1
Exercise 2.3 Set Achievable goals and right the action plan to achieve it. Trainees n groups shall set targets in areas which have been discussed in previous slide with examples and present. Unit 2.127
Creating a conducive Environment What ? How ? Why ? For whom? 28Unit 2.1
Case Study Discussion amongst members-5 min Presentation by each team–3 min x 5 Conclusion by trainer- 5 minutes 29Unit 2.1
WHAT IS QUALITY Means degree of excellence of a thing Distinctive feature of product / service Absence of any defect in the product / service Conformance to specifications Should meet with expectations of customers but efforts should be to exceed it beyond expectations of customers Focus on standard / specifications promised to customers 30Unit 2.1
PARAMETERS TO MEASURE QUALITY OF SERVICE Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Tangibles 31Unit 2.1
MEASUREMENT OF SERVICE QUALITY Do we find any gap between the service promised and service rendered? Do we assess the quality of service offered? Do we find our employee maintain time schedule? Do we find our employee descent in behaviour? Do we find our frontline staff showing empathy? Cont… 32Unit 2.1
Quality of Service in Post Offices Customer’s interface with Post Office and his perception about quality of service (a) At the counter (b) At the point of delivery (c) While making complaint or grievance 33Unit 2.1
Presentation Teams will present how they manage quality in core areas of postal operations. Each team to select one core area as assigned by the trainer. Unit 2.134
Managing & sustaining performance Managing the performance of – HR – Machine – External factors How to sustain the performance over an extended period?? Unit 2.135
Group discussion Teams in groups to discuss and conclude on their ready –made solutions for managing and sustaining quality. 36Unit 2.1
Project work 1 Trainees in groups to come up with a postmasters hand book which must contain – – List of must do activities – Information about the unit…address book….memorandum book – Contacts …. – ??? 37Unit 2.1
Project work 2 Develop engagement diary of postal manager for a- – Day – Week – Month 38Unit 2.1
Managers Tool Kit Knowledge Skill Anticipation Thinking out of the box ??? 39Unit 2.1
Self development plan Trainees to plan for self development. List the activities. Develop Tool Kit for the Postmaster End of the unit Unit 2.1