Apply a range of skills while researching a topic of personal interest in the field of Biology or Physics; Investigate a particular aspect of the materials of our environment (Chemistry).
Experimental: design and implementation of an experiment, then personal collection and analysis of the data. Data-based: location and extraction of raw or processed data, not collected directly by the student, which is then further refined and analyzed. Theoretical: development of a quantitative or semi- quantitative description of some physical phenomenon, exercise of the model, predictions about its behaviour and limitations. Survey: formulation of a cohesive, ordered, analytical and supported (qualitative and quantitative) discussion of the topic. Combination: some combination of the approaches listed above.
Speed of Sounds as a function of temperature (P) The variation in resistance of a wire subject to different strains (P) The ratio of gases evolved at the positive electrode during the electrolysis of common salt solution (C/P) The caffeine content of a cup of tea (C/B)
Factors affecting the accuracy of measuring the mass of Jupiter using data from the worldwide telescope (Use of data banks collected by the worldwide telescope) Characterisation of New Polyethylenes Prepared by Single-Site Catalysis (Use new material produced in some manufacture)
Most students should stay clear of purely theoretical essay Very difficult to establish an appropriate level of difficulty; Very difficult to establish criteria for how accurate your results are unless you at least have some data or simulation to compare it to; Stay clear of topic like the possibility of time travel as it physics that must be discussed, and the physics be beyond you (or likely beyond the person moderating your essay). Somewhat Reasonable examples: create a mathematical model for fan driver cart with and without a sail (and I would recommend testing the model with some real data) - Physics; Studies of infrared spectroscopy: nature and applications – Chemistry.
Definitely not a survey of your friends and how they would do physics. Really a comparison of alternate viewpoint of models. Reasonable example: Discuss alternate models that explain sliding friction (P); Effectiveness of two major washing powders on five common household stains (C).