2005 HOUSEHOLD SURVEY ON DOMESTIC VISITORS (HSDV) Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE and DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM 2005 HOUSEHOLD SURVEY ON DOMESTIC VISITORS (HSDV) FINAL RESULTS Presented for the 4th Quarter DOT Regional Directors’ Meeting Zamboanga City November 28, 2006
Outline Background Objectives Sampling Design IV. Survey Questionnaire V. Pre-Enumeration Activities VI. Field Operation VII. Data Processing Highlights On-going Activities
Background of the Survey: A nationwide undertaking designed to gather data on household information on domestic tourism Joint effort of the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the National Statistics Office (NSO) 3
Objectives of the Survey: To provide baseline data to measure the volume of domestic tourism To determine the profile and travel characteristics of domestic visitors Identify the travel patterns of the Filipino households Estimate the extent and economic contribution of domestic tourism in the country 4
Sampling Design: As rider to the Labor Force Survey, used the 2003 Master Sample Used about 12,500 sample households from the 2003 MS 5
Survey Questionnaires: HSDV Form 1 (Household Questionnaire) HSDV Form 2 (Individual Questionnaire) 6
HSDV Form 1 (Household Questionnaire): A three-page questionnaire divided into: Section A. Demographic Characteristics of Household Members Section B. Information on Visitors Received by the Household During the Past Six Months Section C. Information on Second Home Owned by Any Member of the Household
HSDV Form 2 (Individual Questionnaire): A seven-page questionnaire used to gather the following information: Trips made by household members 15 years old and over Details of domestic trips (place and length of stay; person who made the decision in making the trip and who arranged the travel; travel companion; mode of transportation, purpose and activities during the trip, etc.) Places and attractions visited
HSDV Form 2 (Individual Questionnaire): A seven-page questionnaire used to gather the following information: Details of most recent domestic package tour trip (including expenses) Details of most recent independent trip (including expenses) Desire to travel within the next 12 months (place to visit, month of travel and activities to be done) Reasons for not wanting to travel in the next 12 months if given the chance
Pre-enumeration Activities 10
PRE-TEST OPERATION: WHERE ? WHEN ? WHO ? 11 Barreto, Olongapo City, Zambales WHERE ? Bangantalinga, Iba, Zambales WHEN ? June 3 to 4, 2005 22 NSO and 3 DOT staff WHO ? 11
Barangay Bangantalinga Summary of Pretest Findings: 5 to 15 minutes Average interview time for individual questionnaire (Form 2) 5 to 10 minutes Average interview time for household questionnaire (Form 1) 67 55 Number of persons 15 years old and over interviewed 7 6 Number of households with second home 152 135 Number of persons 15 years old and over 42 38 Total Number of Households Enumerated Barangay Bangantalinga Barangay Barreto Indicators 12
TRAINING: 1st Level Training conducted at NSO Central office: 13 Date: September 21-24, 2005 Trainers: Selected NSO and DOT personnel Participants: 25 NSO Central office personnel 19 NSO Field office personnel 3 DOT personnel 13
TRAINING: 2nd Level Training conducted at NSO Regional offices: Date: September 27-30, 2005 Trainers: Selected NSO and DOT personnel Participants: NSO Field office personnel 3rd Level Training conducted at NSO Provincial offices: Date: October 3-6, 2005 Trainers: Selected NSO personnel Participants: NSO Field office personnel 14
Field Operation 15
ENUMERATION & SUPERVISION: Timeframe: October 8 to 31, 2005 Standard output: For enumeration, 4 households per day 16
Data Processing 17
DATA PROCESSING: Manual processing at provincial offices Data encoding and processing at regional offices Re-verification and finalization of datafiles at central office 18
Highlights 20
N= 54.6M FILIPINO 15 YEARS OLD AND OVER Two in every five Filipino 15 years old and over are domestic travelers during the past six months... N= 54.6M FILIPINO 15 YEARS OLD AND OVER Traveled (43.5%) 23.7M Did not travel (56.5%) 30.9M 21
Distribution of Domestic Travelers by Age Group, Philippines: 2005 Profile of Domestic Travelers Number and Percent Distribution of Domestic Travelers by Employment Status, Philippines: 2005 9,322 39.3% 14,426 60.7% Employed Unemployed Distribution of Domestic Travelers by Age Group, Philippines: 2005 15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 AND OVER Male Female 2000 3000 4000 1000
Distribution of Travelers by Region:
On the average, each individual made… Two trips during the past six months 1.6 Average number of trips 23.7M Total number of domestic travelers 37.7M Total number of trips Two places visited during the past six months 2.0 Average number of places visited 23.7M Total number of domestic travelers 46.3M Total number of places visited 24
Other than National Capital Region, top 10 places visited were… Cavite 4.9% Batangas 4.0% Laguna 3.9% Iloilo 3.8% Bulacan 3.7% Nueva Ecija 2.9% Pampanga Cebu 2.7% Pangasinan 2.4% Albay 2.1% 25
Top 5 attractions visited … Malls 23.6% Parks 7.4% Church/Shrine/ Cathedral 7.3% Beach/Resort 2.2% Food chain/Restaurant 1.0% 26
Did not stay overnight (50.8%) N= 23.7M DOMESTIC TRAVELERS Forty-nine percent spent overnight in the place visited… 11.7M Stayed overnight (49.2%) 12.1M Did not stay overnight (50.8%) N= 23.7M DOMESTIC TRAVELERS 27
4 in every 10 spent 2 - 3 nights in the place visited… 39.9% 1 night 40.7% 2-3 nights 9.2% 4-5 nights 12.0% 5.9% 6.5% 1.8% 6-7 nights 8-14 nights 15-30 nights >30 nights 28
Each traveler would stay in the house of relatives or friends… 20 40 60 80 100 House of relatives & friends 78.4% Hotel 6.9% Resort 5.4% Others 4.7% Apartelle/Rented homes/Apartment 3.8% Pension inn/Lodge 2.4% Vacation house 2.1% Homestay 2.0% Youth hostel/ dormitory, etc. 1.4% Hospital 1.1% 29
N= 23.5M INDEPENDENT TRIP TRAVELERS Of those who had independent trip… 99% of domestic travelers had independent trip… N= 23.5M INDEPENDENT TRIP TRAVELERS Paid for the trip (74.7%) 17.5M Did not pay for the trip (25.3%) 5.9M 30
Average expenses during the most recent paid independent trip… 31
If given the chance, a greater proportion of those who traveled wanted to travel in the next 12 months… Traveled Did not travel Wanted to travel 72.8% Did not want to travel 27.2% 48.0% 52.0% 32
Filipino households are indeed hospitable… DAY VISITOR 4.5 M OVERNIGHT VISITOR 1.7 M DAY VISITOR AND 2.8 M 33
Number of households (in ‘000) 97% received overnight visitors who are also residents in the country… Indicator Number of households (in ‘000) Percent Total number of households who received overnight visitors 4,518 100.0 Foreign nationals visiting the Philippines 37 0.8 Philippine passport holders permanently residing abroad 85 1.9 Foreign nationals residing in the Philippines 79 1.7 Local residents 4,379 96.9 34
DATA at the Regional Level Source: NSO-DOT, 2005 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors 35
DATA at the Regional Level Source: NSO-DOT, 2005 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors 36
DATA at the Regional Level 37
DATA at the Regional Level Philippines (‘000) 32,967 32,121 31,275 HH members who would want to Travel Upper Limit Estimate Lower Limit 38
DATA at the Regional Level See next slide 39
DATA at the Regional Level 40
DATA at the Regional Level 41
DATA at the Regional Level See next slide 42
DATA at the Regional Level 43
On-going Activities Preparation of HSDV Final Report Finalize HSDV Public Use-File (PUF) Training/Demo on the Use of HSDV PUF 44
Visit the NSO Website: www.census.gov.ph 45