How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? WELCOME WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION Welcome: How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? Description : This Webquest is intended as a science lesson to introduce the class to the role of the ozone layer and options for saving the ozone layer. Students will conduct research, analyze and eventually make decisions about what they can do to preserve the ozone layer. Class: Std 4 Curriculum : General Science Keywords: atmosphere, ozone, preserve. Author: Cathy-Ann Pantin
How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? INTRODUCTION WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION Save the ozone from vanishing…it’s vital to our health & safety! Fast forward 15 years into the future…. It’s early morning and you’re getting ready for the day. As you eat breakfast, you’re listening to the weather report. The temperature is very high, smog levels are extremely high and the ozone layer is thinner now than ever. Due to the report you have to wear daily a filter mask to protect your lungs from the smog and apply even more sun screen. You don’t want to be like your friend who was recently diagnosed with melanoma(skin cancer). The sad thing is that you have to wear a mask and sun screen everyday and check the report to ensure that you stay safe and healthy. Back to the present….. What if the situation really gets this bad? What are you going to do to help preserve the ozone layer? Next: Go to the Task Sidebar link.
How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? TASK WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION After completing the Web Quest, you will be able to ….. Define words like atmosphere, ozone, preserve Identify how we humans damage the ozone layer Evaluate ways that you can lessen ozone damage Construct a flyer / poster that demonstrates and encourages others to stop harming the ozone. Next: Go the Process Sidebar Link
How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? PROCESS WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION You will be working through the following steps to get a better understanding about the ozone layer, atmosphere and its composition. Research sites are listed at the bottom of the page to help you. Background: Complete the research questions on the student process worksheet- Student worksheet- Webquest.docx Taking Action: What can you do to help preserve the ozone layer? ( Research and suggest some ways to stop harming the ozone layer) Application: Make a flyer / poster individually or with a partner that encourage others to stop harming the ozone . Next : Go to Evaluation Sidebar Link RESEARCH SITES: http: // http: //
How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? EVALUATION WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION Flyer / Poster Rubric Criteria Good 4 points Satisfactory 2 points Emerging 1 point Score Slogan Has a catchy slogan that grabs readers attention Slogan is somewhat catchy, but is lacking overall attention. Slogan is poor in quality and lacks Content & Appearance Has great information on ways for people to practically and realistically lessen damage to the ozone and save the ozone. Design is very neat, organised & creative Has okay information on ways for people to lessen damage to the ozone and save the ozone. Design is somewhat neat, organised & creative. Has little information on ways for people to lessen damage to the ozone and save the ozone. Design lacks neatness, organisation & creativity Partner Participation Partners collaborated very well and respected each other’s ideas & opinions Partners worked fairly well together and stayed on task most of the time Partners tried to work together, but would get off task several times and disrespected one another. Flyer / Poster Points ______________/ 12
How Can You Preserve the Ozone Layer? CONCLUSION WELCOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION CONCLUSION The atmosphere is an important protective shield between our Earth’s surface and the sun. The ozone layer is very important in that it minimizes the ultra violet radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. We as humans all need to do our part in preventing the destruction of the ozone so that we can stay protected for many years to come.