Leadership (District/International) District 10 Nominating Committee Angela Weaver, Chair Donna Dodgen Amy Mercer.


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Presentation transcript:

Leadership (District/International) District 10 Nominating Committee Angela Weaver, Chair Donna Dodgen Amy Mercer

Zonta International envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.

Nominating Committee Overview Committee is elected and autonomous Independent of the District Board and Club Boards Charged with identifying and submitting a slate of candidates for the biennium for voting member consideration Manuals.aspxhttp:// Manuals.aspx

Leadership Pipeline – Nominating Committee Role Important role to identify and encourage future leaders to stand for office Effective leaders are key to Zonta’s future success District leaders contribute to the pool of candidates for International Board and Nominating Committee

District Slate and Qualifications ( Biennium) Governor Lt. Governor Treasurer Area Director(s) Nominating Committee Note: Secretary and Parliamentarian appointed; since appointed carry no vote

District Nomination Form Please use revised form –Apparent issues with data fields on form posted on ZI website Locate on D10 website (link forthcoming) Also sent to Club Presidents Or contact Nominating Committee; we’ll be glad to send –District Chair mailing/ information is pre-populated

International Nominating Committee (INC) Works w/ district nominating committees to recruit and nominate qualified Zontians as candidates for international officers, directors and for the INC, provides the official slate of candidates to districts and clubs, and reports at Convention INC Chair: PIP Lynn McKenzie, Zonta Club of Wellington, Wellington New Zealand District 10 Liaison: Lori Montigel, Zonta Club of Riverside, Riverside CA

Nominating Form (International) Nominating form is 2 parts (Part A & B) –Part A an Online Form –Part B Form: Download, complete and to INC at – **Access is restricted to Zonta members who have signed up to the ZI website – login required** – s.aspxhttp:// s.aspx –Previously, the District Nominating Committee (DNC) would receive International nominations and send to INC –DNC no longer receives International nominations

Nominating Form (cont.) (International) New question for the International Nominating Committee (INC) –Asking how they will identify, engage & recruit qualified candidates Photo of Candidates –Photo needs to be recent – taken within 1 year of the nomination being submitted Nominations from the Floor –Will be received up to 5 days before the first business session at Convention* 3 New Questions: –Have you during the last 5 years been convicted or found guilty by a Court of any offence in any country (excluding parking or motoring offences)? –Have you during the last 5 years been put on probation or is there any action pending against you? –Have you ever been denied entry into the United States of America?

Competencies and Personal Attributes COMPENTENCIES –Strategic thinking skills –Experience and knowledge of Zonta and its role as a non- governmental organization (NGO) –Proven fiscal and fiduciary responsibility –Proven governance skills –A global perspective and knowledge of world affairs –Sufficient command of English to fulfill the responsibilities of the office* –Proficiency in the use of electronic communications media

Competencies and Personal Attributes (cont.) PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES –Demonstrates a commitment to Zonta’s mission and values –Delivers on commitments made –Demonstrates high ethical standards and personal integrity –Operates as an effective team member –Thinks independently –Listens to the viewpoints of others –Questions effectively –Challenges constructively –Engages others –Builds and maintains relationships with members of Zonta and other stakeholders –Is prepared to commit the necessary time and energy to perform the role

Campaigning Policy Policy has been updated PDFs/Campaigning%20Policy_Nov% p dfhttp:// PDFs/Campaigning%20Policy_Nov% p df

Deadlines District 10 Nominations –15 June ( preferred) –Post marked by 12 June Zonta International Nominations –Submitted to International by Midnight 31 August Central Standard Time –Applicant/nominee is responsible for returning both parts, A and B to INC

Summary Why Serve? –Personal Growth –Professional Growth –Zonta Benefits