It’s an Art World after all! By Jenae Hardcastle
The ‘earth’ without ‘art’ is just ‘eh’
We will learn the basic media and elements of art, as well as fun things you can do with art.
MENU Types of MediaTypes of Media Basic Elements Basic Elements Art can be fun! Art can be fun! Quiz! Quiz! Click me to come back to the main menu while you are exploring!
Types of Media Paint Pencil Charcoal Click on an image to learn more about the different types of media! Back to Main Menu
Pencil Back Pencils are used for drawing or writing. Made of graphite (or a similar substance) There are also colored pencils to use when drawing.
Paint Back Paint is a colored substance that is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating. It can be used to paint walls in a house, canvases to hang on a wall, or even just for fun like finger painting. There are also water colors, which are water-soluble binder such as gum arabic, and thinned with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color.
Charcoal back Charcoal is a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air. There are three different types of charcoal in art: Vine Powdered compressed When using charcoal, it creates a darker and thicker image than graphite would. It must usually be preserved with a fixative.
Basic Elements Click on an image to learn more about the Basic elements! Back to Main Menu Line Shape Emotion
Line Back Line is one of the simplest and most versatile elements of design. Line can add a special energy to a design! Simply by drawing a line, we can activate a space, define a shape, or create a compositional bridge. It can be defined as: A point in motion A series of adjacent points A connection between points An implied connection between points
Shape Back A shape is a flat, enclosed area. 3D enclosures are called volumes. So while a square is a shape, a cube is a volume. It can be created by enclosing an area with a continuous line, surrounding an area with other shapes, or filling an area with a solid color or texture. shape volume
Emotion back Did you know colors can show emotion or be symbolic? Yellow can make one feel happy, while blue can convey sadness. When we think of green, we think of envy. When we see red or orange we think of fire, which can make us think of anger. When we see color in a painting or drawing, we can feel more emotion than if it were just black and white.
Fun with Art! Next! Never have messy painting again! Take empty ketchup bottles and put in paint! Easy to keep clean and you can store more paint!
Fun with Art! Next! Did you know that you can use an egg yolk as a base for a paint for cookies? Mix and stir an egg yolk with 4 drops of food coloring. Use a clean paint brush to decorate your cookies before you bake them!
Fun with Art! Back to main menu Click here to play a fun game!
Let’s see what you remember! Next!
Quiz #1 1. What are pencils made of? A.ConcreteConcrete B.PlasticPlastic C.GraphiteGraphite
Quiz #2 1. What is an example of a shape? A.CubeCube B.SquareSquare C.PyramidPyramid
Quiz #3 1. When decorating cookies with the egg yolk base, do you paint them before or after baking? A.BeforeBefore B.AfterAfter C.DuringDuring
Quiz #4 1. The color yellow can make you feel… A.AngryAngry B.SadSad C.HappyHappy
Quiz #5 1. What are 3d enclosures called? A.ShapeShape B.VolumeVolume C.NeitherNeither
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Oxford dictionaries Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Design, Mary Stewart General knowledge of studying Art Back to beginning