Final Composition of the PARIS21 Board Communication within PARIS21 Governance Structures Board meeting OECD Conference Centre 27 April 2011
Final Composition of the PARIS21 Board
New Members of the Board # RepresentingMemberAlternate 1Co-ChairElected Developing Country MemberMs. Samia Zekaria Ethiopia -- 2Developing Countries Africa – Group AMr. Sekouba Diarra Mali TBD 3Africa – Group BMs. Alfeine S. Soifiat Tadjiddine Comoros Mr. John Male-Mukasa Uganda 4Africa – Group CMr. Joseph Tedou Cameroon TBD 5Africa – Group DMr. Mohammed Taamouti Morocco Mr. Simon Mibrathu Djibouti 6Africa – Group EMr. Pali Lehohla South Africa TBD 7Middle EastMs. Maral Tutelian-Guidanian Lebanon Mr. Ali Dahhaq Yemen 8East Asia & PacificMr. Hing Wang Fung Hong Kong, China Mr. Anthony Yauieb PNG 9South East AsiaMr. Romulo Virola Philippines Mr. Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, Lao PDR 10South AsiaMr. Velayuthan Sivagnanasothy Sri Lanka Mr. Abdul Rahman Ghafoori Afghanistan 11Latin America & CaribbeanMr. Jaime Vaglio Munoz Costa Rica Ms. Maria Elena Mondragon Honduras 12Eastern Europe and CISMr. Stepan Mnatsakanyan Armenia Mr. Zaza Chelidze Georgia 21Co-ChairDAC ChairMr. Brian Atwood-- 22Bilateral DonorsAustraliaMs. Deborah FultonMs. Talia Melic 26KoreaTBD 34OECDMr. Jon Lomoy/Mr. Stephen GroffMs. Martine Durand 41Foundations / Private SectorMr. Chris Gingerich Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Communication between Board Members and their Communities
Communication between Board & Communities “Board members and alternates [are] … expected to be ‘champions’ of the aims of PARIS21 and advocate for and publicise PARIS21 activities within their constituencies. They will consult and report back to their constituencies about Board discussions and the work of the Partnership more broadly.” -- PARIS21 governance arrangements NB: The Secretariat proposes to speak of “communities” rather than “constituencies” since Board members are not expected to speak on behalf of a group of countries or institutions, but rather are identified as members for their personal experience.
Definition of “Communities” For Developing Country Members … PRSP co-ordinators Planning / Finance ministers National (country–donor) partnerships … and, of course, NSOs & NSSs For Donor Institution Members … Operations Department Chief Economist Country Delegations / Missions
Proposed Communication Board Members are encouraged to … consult with and report back to your user–producer communities in- country or within your institutions about Board discussions. consult with and report back to your international colleagues/counterparts in (sub)regional bodies/meetings. comment on draft papers and reports and participate in subgroups such as the Executive Committee and task teams on particular issues. use your influence to advocate for the allocation of adequate resources both for the better availability and use of statistics in development generally and for PARIS21 activities in particular. participate in certain PARIS21 initiatives such as reporting on NSDS progress and implementation of the Dakar Declaration on the Development of Statistics.
Proposed Role of Secretariat The PARIS21 Secretariat proposes to facilitate this by… Maintaining an updated list of names / addresses of heads of statistical offices in countries and contacts in bilateral, regional, and international institutions supporting statistics. Preparing and sharing minutes from Board and Executive Committee meetings. Preparing “executive summaries” of Board and Executive Committee meetings which Board members can communicate to their respective communities. Preparing draft presentations for regional/international meetings. Administering surveys to Board members to solicit information to report on NSDS progress and monitor implementation of the DDDS Providing any additional information on PARIS21 issues, as necessary.
Communication between the Executive Committee and the Board
Proposed Modalities The governance arrangements call on the Executive Committee to “communicate reports and decisions to the Board.” This reporting could take several forms: Sharing Executive Committee agendas with Board members for comment prior to the meetings; Circulating the minutes from Executive Committee meetings to Board members; and/or Making brief statements at Board meetings summarising all items discussed and decisions made by the Executive Committee since the previous Board meeting.
Decisions for the Board Decision Does the Board agree to its final composition, including the proposals of alternates for developing country representatives? Does the Board agree to the proposed modalities for communication between Board Members and their communities? Does the Board agree to the proposed means of reporting between the Executive Committee and the Board?