What was a dinosaur? Dinosaurs were a group of prehistoric reptiles. Reptiles are animals that: - have backbones - have scaly skin - lay eggs - are cold- blooded
Have people ever seen a dinosaur? NO! When early humans appeared on earth, dinosaurs had already been dead for millions of years!
How do we know they really existed? People found out about dinosaurs from fossils. There are 5 kinds: 1. bones 2. teeth 3. footprints 4. skin prints 5. eggs and nests
Who looks for dinosaur fossils? A paleontologist is a scientist who studies prehistoric life.
What did dinosaurs eat? There were three type of dinosaurs: 1. Herbivore- These dinosaurs only ate plants and berries 2. Carnivore- These dinosaurs only ate meat 3. Omnivore- These dinosaurs ate both plants and meat
Where can we go to learn more about dinosaurs? Museum
Let’s review!!! Prehistoric-anything that happened before people started writing history.
fossils The remains or traces of plants or animals from millions of years ago.
Paleontologist Scientist who study prehistoric life
Herbivore Animal that eats only plants.
Carnivore An animal that eats meat only
Omnivore Animal that eats both plants and animals