A SUCCESSFUL ATHLETE define your goals: general g. long-range g. season g. monthly g. weekly g. daily g. consider your talent, skills, abilities join a club or sports organization maintain year-round fitness (off-season – rest and suitable activity) prevent injuries general fitness training + sport- specific training enjoy yourself → no over-training, no wrong expectations plan your workout well get professional coaching help
Sport training is a process of preparation for a sport performance. It consists of four parts: Conditioning training (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility) Training of technique Training of tactics Psychological training (mental preparation)
fitness 4 basic components of fitness: endurance – the ability to perform activity for longer time speed – the ability to perform activity quickly strength – the ability of muscles to generate force flexibility – the ability to move a joint through its full range
How to get the most from a training session? FITT principle: F- FREQUENCY I- INTENSITY T- TYPE – aerobic X anaerobic T- TIME
QUESTIONS: 1.How often should people do a workout? 2.What is the heart rate maximum? 3.What heart rate should beginners have while doing a workout? 4.What heart rate should better-trained athlete have while doing a workout? 5.What type of workout do you know? 6.How long does is take to see clear signs of fitness improvement?
1.aerobic training – 3-6 times a week, anaerobic training – all body – 3-4 times a week with a day breaks for recovery 2.HR max (heart rate maximum) = 220 beats per minutes – the age 3.50 % – 70 % of HR max 4.70 % - 85 % of HR max 5.aerobic and anaerobic 6.6 weeks
AEROBIC TRAINING light-to-moderate intensity activities - between 60-85% of maximum heart rate with use of oxygen used at endurance sports medium to long distance running/jogging, swimming, cycling, and walking
ANAEROBIC TRAINING high intensity activities – more than 75% maximum heart beat which last from mere seconds to up to about 2 minutes used by athletes in non- endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and to build muscle mass formation of lactic acid
Fox and Haskell formulaFox and Haskell formula showing the split between aerobic (light orange) and anaerobic (dark orange) exercise and heart rate
VO 2 max the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity those who are fit have higher VO 2 max values and can exercise more intensely than those who are not as well conditioned a graded exercise test on a treadmill
Principles of an Effective Workout 1.Overload 2.Specificity 3.Progression 4.Variation 5.Individuality 6.Recovery 7.Safety
Parts of a training session Training sessions must be structured. They must include: 1. a warm-up 2. the training activity 3. a cool down 4. rest period
A warm-up is essential gets the whole body ready for work raise the blood flow to the muscles, the temperature includes stretching the activities should gradually increase prepares the mind for the physical work ahead
The training activity has many forms should be interesting and useful should follow principles of an effective workout
The cool down Helps the body to return to normal the activities should gradually decrease activities are similar to those ones in a warm- up
Rest period as important to training as hard physical exercise light training or no physical work is done allows the muscles to recover
Overtraining !!! occurs when the volume and intensity of an exercise exceeds the organism‘s recovery capacity Symptoms: → persistent muscle soreness → persistent fatigue → elevated resting heart rate → increased incidence of injuries and infections → irritability, depression, loss of motivation
Training is tough effortlessThe work is behind the scene. hard workretire sacrifyvomit give up suffer true story competition