“That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” 1 Corinthians 2:5
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible The Testimony of Jesus Jesus as a witness –Reliable? –Credentials? What Jesus said about scripture Jesus’ view of the reliability of scripture Jesus and verbal inspiration
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible The Testimony of Jesus The strength of the testimony of any witness depends upon his reliability. We must ask the following questions: (1) Is the witness in a position to have first- hand knowledge of that to which he testifies? (2) Is the witness trustworthy? Can he be relied upon to tell the truth?
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible The Testimony of Jesus Jesus’ credentials as a witness: Jesus claimed to be the Son of God sent from heaven (John 6:38; 9:35-37). He said that His words were the words of His heavenly Father (John 12:49-50; 14:10). Others declared that Jesus Himself is the “Word” of God (John 1:1, 18; Hebrews 1:1-2). If these claims are believed to be true, then Jesus’ testimony concerning inspiration must be accepted.
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible What Jesus Said About Scripture Mark 7: Jesus equates the writings of Isaiah and Moses with the words and commandments of God. John 10:34-35 – Jesus includes Psalm 82:6 among the Scriptures which cannot be broken. Matthew 19:4-5 – Jesus quotes Genesis 2:24 as words that God “said.” Matthew 4:1-10 – Jesus answers every temptation of the devil by quoting Scripture. Matthew 7:12; 19:17-19; Mark 12:28-32 – Jesus insisted that people follow the Scriptures
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible Jesus’ View of the Reliability of Scripture –Matthew 12:39-40 –Matthew 12:42 –Matthew 24:36-39 –Mark 2:25-26 –Luke 4:25-27 –Luke 17:28-29 –Luke 20:37 –John 3:14 –John 6:49 Jesus referred to OT people and events as REAL…
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible Jesus and Verbal Inspiration Jesus showed great respect for each and every word in the Scriptures, indicating His confidence in their verbal inspiration ( Matthew 5:17-19) –Jot – least letter of the alphabet –Tittle – smallest stroke of the pen Jesus relied on particular verb tenses and word selection to make powerful arguments from Scripture (Mark 12:26-27; 36-37)
Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible The Testimony of Jesus Jesus as a witness –Reliable? –Credentials? What Jesus said about scripture Jesus’ view of the reliability of scripture Jesus and verbal inspiration