Virtual Tour of South America By: Sally Marin
PERUPERU Capital: Lima Flag Of Peru Language: Spanish Major industry: Mining of Metals
PERUPERU Man Made Attractions Cusco Machu Picchu
PERUPERU Natural Attractions Islas Ballestas Colca Valley
PERUPERU Unique Feature/Custom Chifa, Peruvian-style Chinese food, is unique in the world. It is unique not only because of its authentic origin, but also due to its wonderful fusion of flavors, colors, exquisite aromas, textures and Chinese and Peruvian ingredients, becoming a real feast to the most exquisite places.
VENZUELAVENZUELA Flag of Venezuela Capital: Caracas Language: Spanish Major Industry: Petroleum
VENEZUELAVENEZUELA Man Made Attractions Colonia Tovar Coro
VENEZUELAVENEZUELA Natural Attractions Angel Falls Orinoco River
VENEZUELAVENEZUELA Unique Feature/Custom Capybara, the largest rodent of the world, is found inhabiting the grassy plains (llanos) of Venezuela.
URUGUAYURUGUAY Flag of Uruguay Capital: Montevideo Language: Spanish Major Industry: Food Processing
URUGUAYURUGUAY Man Made Attractions Montevideo Colonia del Sacramento
URUGUAYURUGUAY Natural Attractions Atlantic Shore Monte Los Ombues (Tree)
URUGUAYURUGUAY Unique Feature/Custom Uruguay counts with several traditional dishes as well as a variety of restaurants offering good meals for a wide range of prices. It is interesting to know that tourists could enjoy a good meal, of traditional or international cousine, for as few as 10 dollars. Budget travelers could even find meals for less than that, receiving most of the times good quality and tasty food.
BOLIVIABOLIVIA Flag of Bolivia Capital: Sucre Language: Spanish Major Industry: Mining
BOLIVIABOLIVIA Man Made Attractions Iglesias de San Francisco Museo de Coca
BOLIVIABOLIVIA Natural Attractions Lake Titicaca Salar de Uyuni
BOLIVIABOLIVIA Unique Feature/Custom Like something out of a Harry Potter book, La Paz has a street market called the Witches Market, where you'll see real life witches, magic spells, sorcery, and potions being sold