PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located at the table on the side of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.
Director’s Report Fire Department monthly report for December, 2012. Administrative Services monthly report for December, 2012. Maintenance Division monthly report for December, 2012.
Ordinances Ordinance (2nd and 3rd readings) - authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,700,000.00 to refund in whole or part the Original Refunding Bonds used to finance HVAC upgrades at the Memorial Campus Facility, and providing for issued Original Refunding Bonds to be later refunded through Subsequent Refunding Bonds.
HVAC Refinancing Refinancing of HVAC improvements at Memorial Currently financed at 6% Savings = $440,000 net of insurance Subject to no reserve clause
Ordinances Ordinance (2nd and 3rd readings) - supplementing Ordinance No. 3692, passed May 24, 2011, which authorized public financing relative to the Johnson Controls, Inc. Lease Purchase Agreement, to amend the existing refund authority to provide for refunding of potential reserves in any such refunding.
NEW Business
Ordinances Ordinance (1st reading) - providing for the closure of a portion of an alley located behind 514 Conrad Avenue at the request of Dennis and Geneva Nave and authorizing the conveyance of portions of the closed alley to Cornerstone Baptist Church and Geneva and Dennis Nave.
Conrad Avenue Alley Closing
Ordinances Ordinance (1st reading) - providing for the closure of an alley located between 117 Hanover Street and 119 Hanover Street at the request of Bella Strada Trust, and authorizing the execution of deeds conveying portions of the closed property to Bergen Trust and Bella Strada Trust.
Hanover Street Alley Closing
Charter Amendment Resolution Charter Amendment Resolution (1st reading) - adding new clauses to Section 82A of the City Charter to provide 1) the option to publish a summary Notice of Sale rather than a full Notice of Sale; 2) the option to publish said Notice of Sale in full or summary form once rather than twice; and 3) the option to use electronic means to provide a full Notice of Sale rather than by means of traditional publication.
Orders Order approving FY2011-2012 appropriations and transfers.
FY12 Appropriations and Transfers Expenditures General government 1,490,923 1,400,000 90,923 Public safety 9,875,920 10,200,000 (324,080) Public works 2,239,739 2,700,000 (460,261) Recreation 847,068 800,000 47,068 Community development 471,660 500,000 (28,340) Capital Outlay - Debt Service: Principal 713,844 550,000 163,844 Interest 376,344 450,000 (73,656) Bond issue costs 150,000 (150,000) Debt Refunding 2,610,000 (2,610,000) Operating Transfers 853,489 700,000 153,489 Total Expenditures 16,868,987 20,060,000 (3,191,013)
FY12 Appropriations and Transfers Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers-in 976,000 1,914,114 938,114 Transfers-out -853,489 -700,000 -676,690 176,799 Refunding bond proceeds - 2,600,000 2,587,781 Payment to refund bonds -2,610,000 -2,520,929 Total Other Financing Sources 122,511 1,304,276 1,181,765 Net Change in Fund Balances ($64,550) ($999,725) 1,270,642 $2,270,367 Fund balance, beginning 620,676 Fund balance, ending $1,891,318
Orders Order authorizing a six-month extension to the contract with Mackin Engineering for the Heritage Area Management Plan Update, said extension to expire October 31, 2013.
Orders Order appointing members of the Mayor and City Council to the City's various boards and commissions.
Orders Order authorizing a $5.00 increase in fees for the use of the pavilions at Constitution Park for the FY13 season. Fees for large pavilions will increase to from $85 to $90; fees for small pavilions will increase from $65 to $70.
Orders Order approving the sole source purchase of a 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 Truck from Timbrook Automotive in an amount not to exceed $22,920.00.
Truck Replacement
Orders Order authorizing the execution of an Easement Agreement with Ali Ghan Shriners Holding Corporation and Willison Oil, Inc. for the construction and maintenance of a water line in the vicinity of Ali Ghan Road.
Ali Ghan Road Easement
Letters, Petitions Letter from Atlantic Broadband, dated December 18, 2012, advising that monthly service, equipment, installation, and activation fees will increase effective April, 2013 due to programming and operational cost increases.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.