Parapsychology “Most sciences try to explain observable phenomena. Parapsychologists try to observe unexplainable phenomena.”
Parapsychology The study of certain reported but unsubstantiated events that have no presently known explanation.
No parapsychology experiment has ever been shown to have both positive results and be replicated by independent researchers.
ESP Extra Sensory Perception A 6th Sense or ability to perceive something without the use of the 5 senses
Origin of Belief in ESP The term “ESP” was used as early as the late 19th century. Used to describe the ability of a person who had been hypnotized or in a trance state yet could sense things without using the five senses. However, the phenomena of ESP may go back to Biblical times.
Origins of Belief in ESP In Western culture, the founders of parapsychology were mostly people who lost their religious faith and began searching for a scientific basis for believing in the meaning of life and life after death (Alcock, 1985; Beloff, 1985).
Persistence of Belief in ESP Misperceptions and Coincidences Psychic connection between twins Confirmation Bias/Selective Recall Recollection of eerie happenings Misinterpretation of Data Inconsistent measuring techniques
Persistence of Belief in ESP A survey published in 1987 by Univ. of Chicago found that 67% of all adult Americans believe they have experienced ESP, up from 58% in 1976. According to leading Russian scientists, "Many people believe in clairvoyance, astrology, and other superstitions to compensate for the psychological discomforts of our time."
Testing ESP “Because a good magician can do something shouldn't make you right away jump to the conclusion that it's a real phenomenon.” - Richard Feynman
What the Skeptics Say Incompetence or fraud by parapsychologists Most of the evidence for ESP is anecdotal and is dismissed by skeptics as based on one or more of the following: Incompetence or fraud by parapsychologists Selective thinking and Confirmation bias Not falsifiable – can’t be proven not real Gullibility, self-deception, and wishful thinking
What the Skeptics Say After thousands of experiments, a reproducible ESP phenomenon has never been discovered, or has anyone produced any individual who can convincingly demonstrate psychic ability. A National Research Council investigation of ESP concluded that "the best available evidence does not support the contention that these phenomena exist.”
What the Skeptics Say U. S. National Research Council (1988) A 2 year study concluded there was no scientific justification from research conducted over 130 years for the existence of parapsychological phenomena. “the best scientific evidence does not justify that ESP -that is, gathering information about objects or thoughts without the intervention of known sensory mechanisms- exists.”
Pursuit of Parapsychology Over 200 colleges and universities in the U.S. alone have courses in parapsychology with many offering degrees in the subject. John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School of Consciousness Studies offers a master’s degree in parapsychology.
ESP: Extrasensory Perception Perceiving something without the use of the 5 senses – this is why it is often referred to as the “6th sense.” 3 main types of ESP Telepathy Clairvoyance Precognition
Telepathy one person sending thoughts or images to another person’s mind or perceiving another's thoughts without using any of the five recognized senses. Popularized by fictional novels and movies.
Clairvoyance French for “clear seeing” The ability to “see” information about people, objects, or locations without using any of the five senses. Includes crystal gazing and tea leaf reading.
X-ray clairvoyance The ability to see into closed spaces, such as boxes, envelopes, rooms, and books There are many cases on record in which sealed letters were read when the contents were totally unknown to the experimenter
Traveling clairvoyance mental journey to a distant scene and giving a description about it may take the seer into the future
Are you psychic?
Precognition Knowledge of a future event or circumstance prior to its occurrence. Obtained in a vision or dream
Precognition is what most people mean when using the term “psychic.” Also referred to as Prediction Premonition prophecy
Prediction vs Premonition Prediction has a degree of precision and tends to detail the basic who, what, where, when and how questions When the foreseen event is not precisely outlined or is too insubstantial to prompt a specific prediction then it is called a premonition
Prophecy Prediction involving the fate of larger groups of people or entire nations
Psychokinesis Formerly known as telekinesis The ability to move or bend objects at a distance by mental power without contact
Other Paranormal Activity Possession Hauntings, ghosts, apparitions, etc. UFOs & Alien abduction Near-death experiences, and out-of-body experiences, Reincarnation Astrology
Possession An altered state of consciousness in which the conscious personality of the individual is replaced with that of another personality, commonly thought of as a possessing spirit entity
Possession Common to all religious traditions The possessing personality aims to establish communication with this world by writing or speech
Demonic Possession In Christianity, possession is viewed as a negative phenomena Christians have largely equated possession with possession by a demonic force or even possession by the devil himself
Ghost The disembodied spirit or image of a deceased person, appearing to be alive Believed to be ethereal – able to penetrate doors and walls, and/or appear at the moment of death to a distant relative or friend
Children are often reported to have encountered ghostly playmates Reports of ghosts in pictures when taking normal photographs
Haunting Dwelling locations of ghosts Places associated with their earthly life or locales with a tragic history Although the evidence for ghosts is largely anecdotal, its belief is widespread and persistent
Apparition An image of a person or animal that is not tied to a particular place and often times tries to communicate a message
Does Life Exist on Other Planets?
Alien Abduction Paranormal experience of being abducted by beings from another universe
2 Types Intense experiences – missing time, seeing and communicating with aliens, or finding puzzling scars or marks on body and not knowing where they came from Non-intense experiences – seeing unidentified lights in the sky
Are they just “crazy”? Psychological tests applied to those reporting an alien abduction experience have yielded no more mental health issues than those in a control group These people are no more likely to have a mental illness (like schizophrenia) than anyone else
Theories Fantasy-prone personalities may lead to confusion between reality and imagination It is a defensive mechanism which allows traumatized children to escape the unbearable reality of their lives by entering a more acceptable fantasy world (like a dissociative disorder)
Sleep paralysis – waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room (common in those with narcolepsy) Temporal lobe activity – a seizure can occur in this part of the brain causing odd sensations, déjà vu, hallucinations and mystical feelings
UFO Unidentified Flying Object Similar to the experience of alien abduction
UFOs entered popular consciousness in the 20th century as “flying saucers” UFOs have been referred to as airships, foo fighters, and ghost rockets
The Sun, The Moon & the Stars Do they hold any meaning in our lives?
Astrology The belief that a person’s character and destiny are affected by the stars at the moment of their birth The position of the stars when you were born will shape the kind of personality that you will have for the rest of your life
Horoscope The best-known form of astrology Divides people’s birth dates into the 12 signs of the zodiac, which are 12 bands through which the sun passes during the course of a year Sun signs – a person’s zodiac sign indicates the position of the sun at their particular moment of birth
Sun Signs & Personality Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) – fiery in nature, tending to be energetic, optimisitc, enthusiastic, and aggressive Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - practical, dependable, logical, and cautious
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – light hearted, friendly, open-minded and very changeable Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – imaginative, artistic, sensitive, and emotional
Are they legit? While it is fun and interesting to read your daily horoscope, recent studies have found no significant personality differences of any kind between any of the sun signs
Does the spirit continue after the physical death of the body? The Afterlife Does the spirit continue after the physical death of the body?
Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) Typically occur to individuals who are in situations of intense physical or emotional danger, who are close to death, or who have actually died and been brought back to life While dead they travel to the brink of a supposed spiritual afterlife
NDEs NDEs have been reported in cases of actual clinical death, where the vital signs are absent for up to 20 minutes However, they also seem to be experienced in situations which are only potentially fatal
Key Features Experiencing the “feeling” of dying Overhearing the news of their own death Feelings of peace and quiet
A “White Light” Noise – an unpleasant buzzing or rushing sound Sensation of being sucked through a dark tunnel – light at end
Sense of being outside one’s body – perhaps floating above it and having a bird’s eye view of medical staff attempting to resuscitate you Meeting others – friends or relatives who have passed on
Life Flashing Before your eyes A being of light – perhaps Jesus or God? An overwhelming sense of love and lack of fear – “like heaven” A panoramic view of one’s major life events
Not Time Yet A “point of no return” at which one must decide whether to return to the body or being told that it is “not your time” and that you must return to complete your life’s mission Coming back – a sense of making the decision to return
Profoundly Changed Telling others or not revealing due to the fear of appearing insane Profound effect on life – change in views on life and other people New view on death – no fear
Theories on NDEs They arise as the mind or spirit separates from the body near the point of death Depersonalization – It is an attempt to escape from this unbearable thought (that you are dying) by retreating into a more positive fantasy experience in an effort to protect yourself from the emotional shock
Remembrance of the birth experience? Shock of being close to death may evoke powerful memories of great stress, namely one’s own birth Dark tunnel – represents the birth canal The Light – the world into which one is being born Seeing Loved ones – may be parents or doctors welcoming you as a baby
Scientific Explanations Extreme stress and fear of the NDE release endorphins which can reduce pain perception and induce pleasant sensations Temporal Lobe seizure – like in alleged alien abductions, may create hallucinations and other mystical experiences experienced during NDE
Reincarnation The concept that the spirit survives death and is given a new life in another body Thus, you all would have already lived many lives of which this is just your most recent
Rebirth Unlike Christianity and Judaism which believe in an afterlife/heaven, the concept of reincarnation is fundamental to both Hinduism and Buddhism In fact, while it is not commonly believed in America, more people around the world believe in reincarnation than do not
What do you come back as? The soul might pass into the body of another human, an animal, a plant, or even an inanimate object like a stone The Eastern concept of karma suggests that the type of life you live in your current incarnation will determine the form you take in your next life – good karma leads to a noble birth, bad karma leads to a lower birth or even rebirth as an animal
Karma According to karma, we must use this present life to work out or overcome the issues we did not successfully deal with in our past life/lives Once we have worked out these issues we reach nirvana and no longer need to continue this cycle. Those who do not will be stuck in the endless cycle of reincarnation forever
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