S uburban A mateur F ootball L eague Coaches’ Clinic July 10, 2010 Everybody Plays
The Commissioner SAFL Purpose: Provide wholesome, healthy recreation to players Intention: Fair rules of play & adherence for the benefit of teams Member Organizations Responsibilities: Provide supervised activities that stress sportsmanship, skill development, physiological & psychological development, and FUN! Conduct of teams, coaches and support staff Instruct and enforce principles of ethics, attitude & intent
The Board of Directors Commissioner: Mark DuBois- chair meetings, make rulings on rules and regulations, assess penalties, set meetings 1 st Vice Commissioner: Kirk Parker- fill-in for Commissioner V Commissioner–Players: Marty Tremblay- process players & team rosters, assist in weigh-ins V Commissioner–Coaches: Keff Lagoditz- process coaches, and certifications, issue IDs Treasurer: Esther Bond Williams- collect dues & assessments, pay bills, make deposits, report finances, assist team treasures, insurance Recording Secretary: Don Brodeur- minutes of meetings Corresponding Secretary: Guy Savoie- record game results & make public, web-master
० Weigh-ins & Weights ० Linemen ० Heads Up ० Kickers & Kicking Plays ० Playing Time ० Blocking ० Mercy Rule ० PeeWee Rules ० JV Rules
Weigh-Ins August 7, 2010, West Springfield Registrar and two non-coach assistants On-site 30 minutes prior to scheduled time Players in line alphabetically by level Tee Shirt, Shorts, Socks, Athletic Shoes (no cleats) NO COACHES in weigh-in area Coaches assign numbers (for season) after weigh-ins
Weights PWJrsSrs Initial weight In-Season Limited number of underweight linemen FOR THE SEASON Linemen are numbered 50 through 79
Linemen Offense 5 down Linemen numbered on LoS One unrestricted player on each end of the LoS Snapper does NOT need to be the middle Lineman No player may advance the ball Defense Up to 5 Linemen in a 3 or 4 point down stance on the LoS One unrestricted player on each end of the LoS No Lineman outside of O-Tackles D-Tackle must make contact with O-Tackle (penalty) D-Linemen may NOT retreat from LoS
Heads Up Any part of a player’s frame within any part of his opponent's frame Frame is width from shoulder to shoulder ABC
Kickers Punters and free-kickers must be unrestricted players (underweight) No restriction on PAT and field-goal kickers
Kick Plays Seniors: Kick-offs- No restricted players Punts- Min. 7-man line (5 linemen max.) PAT & Field Goals- Min. 7-man line (5 linemen max.)
Juniors: Kick-offs- No restricted players Punts- Min. 7-man line (5 linemen max.) PAT & Field Goals- No crossing the LoS Muffed kick = dead ball Kick Plays
PeeWees: Kick-offs- NO kick-offs Punts- No crossing LoS No fake plays Ball at rest or in B-hands = Dead Ball PAT & Field Goals- No crossing LoS until kicked No fake plays Declared play- advance 10 yards/return on failure Kick Plays
Playing Time Seniors: Four 10 minute quarters, stop time Juniors: Four 8 minute quarters, stop time PeeWees: Four 12 minute quarters, running time 2 minute break between quarters One 1 minute time out per half, NO carry over Injury- 1 st minute running time, then stop time Last 2 minutes each half full stop time
Blocking No blocking below the waist
Mercy Rule 24 point differential At 16 point differential, The team with the greater score will consider: 1.On offense, execute ONLY running plays between the tackles 2.On defense, ONLY the defensive linemen (including the defensive ends) should cross the neutral zone
Additional PeeWee Rules No more than 2 coaches on the field, at the snap 10+ yards behind the last player Each player gets 1 quarter of play (22 starters/full roster) D-Linemen Play heads up to O-Linemen NO gap alignment Pursue forward, making contact to O-Linemen NO helmet to helmet alignment on snapper D-Linemen and D-Ends ONLY can cross LoS at the snap After ball leaves ‘tackle box’ all defensive players can cross the LoS LineBackers and DBs must be 2+ yards off the LoS (penalty) Huddle time limited to 45 seconds Playing field is 80 yards long
Additional JV Rules Four 15 minute quarters, running time All time outs stop the clock 2 Time outs per half per team One coach on field, 10+ yards off the LoS at the snap Varsity starters ineligible to play in JV game Each player gets 15+ minutes of play time No rushing on Punts