Desert Biome Jack, Kendall, Lindsey, Greer
1. Arid Environment One environmental problem is that the desert has an arid Environment. An arid environment is when an environment is lacking water and can not sustain many plant species. Although the desert can support some plant and animal life, some species thrive in this environment.
Present and Future The environment is still very dry and without water, and the environment probably will not change in the future.
Management and Cause There is not much management for remote deserts, but there is management for other areas that are largely populated. For the people and cities that do exist in deserts, there are usually pluming systems to get water from other areas of water in order for survival. Or in other areas that are more remote there are usually wells. The cause is that there is not much water in the desert and people need water to survive.
Climate The climate is dry and humid, with temperatures that vary from 20 degrees Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius. Low of 68 ºF high of 122 ºF
Climate The amount of precipitation in the desert can be less than 50 cm per years. The climate affects life in the way that it can barley sustain life due to the low amount of water. Many organisms can and have adapted to the area. Animals have adapted to be able to hold more water in their body longer, and can go longer without water.
2. Desert Storms Strong Wind carries away sand and dust to make huge clouds Harder to see from a distance. a distance.
The Joshua Tree The Joshua Tree is a tree that thrives in the desert because it has really deep roots that go deep enough into the ground so that they can get water, also they can stay healthy without getting a lot of water for a period of time. They must have made this adaption so that they could live and reproduce in the desert’s harsh climates.
The Cactus The cactus plant is also a plant that thrives in desert areas because it has adapted to the climate in the way that it can go weeks without any water. Also the cactus like the Joshua plant has deep roots that extend down into the earth to get water. Also their external layer is rough which protects it from the sun, and it has needles on it which keeps animals from eating it.
The Brittle Bush Also the Brittle Bush is another plant that lives in deserts that can sustain life. Like the Cactus and the Joshua Tree the Brittle Bush has roots that can hold a lot of water for a long time which helps them sustain life. Also they have tightly curled leaves that reduce moisture loss.
Animals Adaptation Armadillos have adapted in the way that now their skin has hardened and has become more fit to the hot climate and the harmful rays of the sun.
The Camel Also the Camel has adapted to the low supply of water in the way that they developed humps on their backs to store water. This enables them to not run out of water for days at a time.
Rattlesnake -The Rattlesnake is really good for the environment because they blend in with the sand well which makes them a great predator. -They are also nocturnal which helps them to hide even better. -And they are really well suited for the climate in the way that their skin is really rough and protects their body from harmful rays.
Desert location The deserts’ location on the earth are typically close to the equator, but they do range to the south and some can be a little north
Cites All images from Google Images