Subcontract Requests
P rocess After the notice to begin work is issued, Construction Procurement uploads the contract into SiteManager. At that point we are able to enter subcontract information.
Efficiency Complete the Subcontract Request form TC accurately. Contract ID Subcontract Number – be sure to consider your DBE submittals when numbering subsequent subcontracts.
DBE and Tiers * DBE requests are submitted directly to Ryan Griffith, Director of Construction Procurement. All other Subcontract requests are submitted to Steve Criswell, Director of Division of Construction. * Tier requests are numbered 1A, 1B, etc.
Prequalification All Subcontractors must be prequalified for the work items they will be performing through the Cabinet’s prequalification program. Prequalification is obtained through Construction Procurement. Prequalification must be kept current. Contractors with lapsed prequalification cannot be approved for subcontract work.
Filling Out the Subcontract Request Form Contractor Information
Subcontractor Information
Signature Required Contact information encouraged in case corrections are needed.
Subcontractor Items Partial Items: Clearly define which portion of the item is being subcontracted. Incidental Items should reference the bid item to which they are incident al.
Unit prices should be the same price as the bid price unless the Subcontractor is a DBE.
Bid Items to be Subcontracted Accuracy can speed up the process!
Required Affidavit Original required… No copies.
Corrections The Division of Construction will contact you in case of errors. All corrections must be made before approval of the subcontract. No Subcontract work can be performed until approval is obtained. For questions/corrections, contact Stephanie Rich, Division of Construction, (502)
Specification Notes Contractor must perform no less than 30% of the entire contract amount. Do not allow any Subcontractor to perform a higher percentage of work than the Prime Contractor. A Subcontractor cannot subcontract any portion of his work in excess of 50% of the originally subcontracted amount. * Note: Second tier Subcontractors must also obtain written approval.
Attention Section Engineers Verify the Subcontract is in SiteManager prior to work beginning. If not, contact Prime Contractor to inquire if Subcontractor Requests have been submitted to Division of Construction. If Prime Contractor has submitted Requests, contact Stephanie Rich, Division of Construction, (502) for verification. Verify that you are the Primary Personnel assigned to this contract in SiteManager.
Distribution Method Once approved, approval letters will be mailed to the Prime Contractor and Subcontractor. Electronic copy will be ed to the Engineer listed as Primary Personnel in SiteManager, Division of Construction Procurement, Office of Personnel Management, KAHC, Division of Unemployment Insurance, PAIKY, and FHWA (if applicable).