Milky Way Blayne Chang and Rebecca Sekban
The Galaxy Our universe is in the milky way. It is estimated to be 13.2 billion years old. It is a spiral galaxy that is home to over 100 billion stars.
The Milky Way It’s disk is roughly 120,000 light years across. The central bulge is about 12,000 diameters across.
Galactic Center Is a super massive black hole. Most galaxies are believed to have black holes at the center.
The Milky Way The halo is believed to contain the oldest stars of the galaxy. The disk contains most of the stars, including the sun. The disk also has gas and dust.
Why do galaxies look like a black hole?
Works Cited "Ask an Astronomer for KIDS! - What Is the Milky Way?" Welcome to Cool Cosmos! Web. 07 Feb "The Milky Way Galaxy." SEDS | Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. Web. 07 Feb "Milky Way." Space Projects - Space Information - Space Shop. Web. 07 Feb "Milky Way." Universe Today. Web. 07 Feb