Unit 1: Communication in Health and Social Care OCR Level 2 Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care Introduction to Unit 1: Communication in Health and Social Care
Introduction Because it’s personal. You are dealing with real people in real situations. Why is great communication in health and social care so important? You need to think about so many more factors than you would in other environments. Factors such as: fear, assumptions, emotions, ability, barriers
The communication cycle Intention of sender The message Receiving the message Feedback Message interpretation The barriers to communication can occur at various points in the cycle The behaviour of the care worker, eg not having enough time to talk things through For example, a care worker using jargon The client being fearful of what the message means
Different forms of communication The form of communication used needs to be appropriate for the audience and the situation. There are a number of different ways to communicate with people... Using technological aids ...and different contexts within which to communicate Informally Non-verbally Formally Verbally One-to-one Groups
What will you learn? After completing this unit you will: Understand the barriers to effective communication Know different forms of communication Be able to communicate effectively
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