Introduction The Pan African University (PAU) is a premier continental University network recognized by decision of the Summit of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union (EX.CL/579(XVII). The PAU was launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 14 December 2011 Mission Develop continental-wide and world-class postgraduate curriculum; Stimulate collaborative, internationally competitive, application and development oriented research in areas having a direct bearing on the development of Africa; Enhance the attractiveness of African higher education and research institutions for effective development and retention of young African talent, while attracting the best intellectual capital from across the globe (including Diaspora); Facilitate the networking and mobility of students and staff between African academic and research institutions; Invigorate dynamic and productive partnership with public, private sector & civil society.
Thematic Areas and Lead Thematic Partner Space Sciences SOUTHERN AFRICA Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences University of Yaoundé Yaoundé, CAMEROON (LTP - Sweden) (Op) Tlemcen, ALGERIA (LTP - Germany) Water & Energy Sciences (including Climate Change ) University of Tlemcen Tlemcen, ALGERIA (LTP - Germany) Basic Sciences, Technology & Innovation at Juja, KENYA Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology Juja, KENYA (LTP - Japan) (Op) Life & Earth Sciences at University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA (LTP - India) (Op) PAU Rectorate Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hosting agreements and MoU’s signed with LTPS in 2013 Hosting Agreements Date signed AUC and Nigeria 27 th January 2013 AUC and Cameroon 28 th January 2013 AUC and Kenya 23 rd May 2013 MOU’s with LTP’s AUC and Japan 27 th January 2013 AUC and Sweden 28 th January 2013 AUC and India 23 rd May 2013
Progress on the establishment of PAUWES Sept 2012 : curricula development workshop for PAUWES held at Tlemcen, Algeria Feb 2013: curricula for PAUWES validated in Addis Ababa PAUWES Masters Programs 27 th June 2013 : AUC, Algeria and Germany signed MOU in Berlin towards establishment of PAUWES with Germany pledging 20M Euro financial support Water EngineeringGovernance Energy EngineeringGovernance
January 2013 Summit adopted the statutes of the PAU The Council shall be constituted of twenty eight (28) Members from different stakeholders (Member states, REC’s, LTP’s, Professional bodies, AUC, ETC) The Executive Council shall elect the President and Vice President of the PAU Council from a list of five candidates who should be citizens of the AU member States presented by the Bureau of the COMEDAF or STC in charge of education Members of the COMEDAF V Bureau are therefore requested to convene a meeting of Ministers of Education in their respective regions so as to nominate one eminent personality from academia, civil society or industry from the region, who could be elected as President or Vice President by the Executive Council during the next COMEDAF V meeting. Names and curriculum vitae of nominees should be forwarded to the AUC-HRST by …xxx……2013 Council members shall serve a three-year term with a possibility of being re- appointed for one additional term. Half of the council members shall be replaced at the end of their three year tenure
January 2013 Summit adopted the launching Staff Structure for the PAU Rectorate THE BUREAU OF THE PAU RECTOR Rector Senior Finance/Administration Officer Senior Legal Officer Administrative Assistant Secretary Driver OFFICE OF THE PAU VICE RECTOR Vice-Rector Senior Academic & Student Affairs Officer Administrative Assistant OFFICE OF THE PAU INSTITUTES Director of Institute (5) Administrative/Finance Officer (5)
On-going Activities for ) Finalization of financial cooperation with AfDB 2) Establishment of the PAU Council 3) Establishment of PAU Rectorate 4) Recruitment of Students 5) International Recruitment of Staff 6) Communication and outreach strategy 7) Roadmap towards implementation of PAUWES
Challenges for PAU 1. Development and implementation of sustainable financial business model for PAU 2. Interfacing PAU with other regional and sub-regional HE/Science initiatives 3. Development of mechanisms for partnerships with industry 4. Development of sustainable student internship programs 5. Financial resources for research 6. Development of appropriate policies for innovation and transfer of knowledge and technology 7. Mechanism for effective sharing and management of services within dispersed networks of institutes and centers
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